






averagely_eragely speaking






He is the tallest boy in our class who is always smiling. Daniel is an interesting boy because he often tells jokes to make us hy. Additionally, he is very kind to others. For example, he likes to share with the friends and help the classmates to solve problems. Daniel is good at playing chess and baseball, and he always spend an hour on his hobby, which is longer than me. He wants to be a social worker in the future to help more people.
































December 21 2012.Fire pours down from the sky, ocean bumps and swallows the land, earthquake rips ground into parts.

People who believe the dooms say the December 21 2012 is the end of the world. They can expect billions of people to die, it is going to be the most terrible on our plant, Mother Nature is going to be a scary executioner to kill everything, this is when and how the world will end.

If you believe in the predictions, so our plant has a great bull eye on it and any number of darts are going to hit us around year 2012, but the question is: is any of that going to hen?

What are 2012’s most plausible planetary disasters? And is the end of life on earth looking just right around the corner?

On Friday, December 21, 2012, the sun will rise as usual, but on this day, it will align itself just between the earth and the center of our galaxy. And the end of the world is coming.

There are people who believe that some huge changes will befall the earth or humanity, that the god will press a great button of ‘off’ in the sky, by the end of the day, the world will be blanketed in ash, once busy city streets will churn with rivers of la, massive earthquakes will he bought tall cities crashing to the ground, and enormous oceans wes will be rushing in to wash us away. It is just one version of an apocalypse that expect to see in our lifetimes,

Some people believe this coincides with the sun eclipses the center of the Milky way, when it does, they say we will be cut off from the vital cosmic energy emanating by the black hole as the heart of the center of our galaxy.

Some people believe the life on earth will be thrown into upheal or wiped away.

And there also are some people disagree. They say there is no any kind of energy that can be blocked from our galaxy. In fact the alignment had hened in 1999 and the world didn’t be end, so there is on any particular reason that can be making us to believe that the alignment in 2012 will bring any difference.

Why are many people convinced that the end of world will hen at one day not other days, and precisely this day is December 21, 2012?

Why people say December 21 2012 is the doom day?

It is because the Mayan Calendar says December 21, 2012 is the apocalyptic day.

Mayan is extremely good at mathematic and astronomy.

The longest calendar that has been count by Mayan is for 5126 years.

Experts believe that the current Long Count probably began in 3114 B.C. and will end on December 21, 2012.

But there is one thing that would hen in 2012, that is magnetic blast from the sun.

Every 11 years, the sun reaches the maximum level of activity, and it can eragely fire off 2 or 3 Solar Flare every single day, and the end of 2012 is expected to be getting itself ready to enter the next solar maximum, and unfortunately even our scientists are not sure what is the next Solar Flare will be like, it may ge us some surprises in 2012.

So what is going to hen if it does ge us some surprises in 2012? The consequences could be much more far than any disasters that had hened to us.

The Solar Flares are massive explosions of great energy, and it is like millions of hydrogen bombs explode all at same time, but as powerful these explosions of radiation are, it is sometimes just the beginning of a solar temper-tantrum.

After that, there also is material that is rushing out from the sun is called ‘Coronal Mass Ejections’. It will be pushed away with billions of billions of ton hot gas, and it trels at speeds of a millions or so miles per hour.

The environment around the sun is filled with the Solar wind that the particles of the sun’s atmosphere that are streaming away, then the CME (Coronal Mass Ejections) goes into this material and creates a shock we, and the shock accelerates the particles that are in front of the CME. So if it comes to our direction, we will get in a really big trouble.

If the sun fries one at us in 2012, you will not he much time to prepare for it, even if you see it coming, because the bulk of the CME will reach us in just a few days, their speed is almost reaching to the speed of light.

So what will hen when the particles reach earth?

Firstly, the shock we of energized particles will slam into our satellites orbit, shouting out their electronics to block our satellites networks, so imagine what will this be like?

1 The GPS on every vehicle will be broken. It will make airplanes crashing, steamboats getting in lost. But losing the satellites networks could be just a beginning of the real bad day. Once the shock we has been passed, the bulk of CME will crash into the earth’s magnetic field.

The Earth’s Magnetic field is a kind of power that shields us from the CME attacking.

This natural barrier normally prevents charged the particle form reaching the surface by deflecting them around the earth, but as the CME is strong enough, it will make a high damage to our natural barrier.

When charged particles from solar storm hit the magnetic field which also called magnetosphere, they can become tred in this field, and we can see this phenomenon as aurora, or as northern lights, but if you see them in your neighborhood, it means an imminent disaster is coming.

If the charged particles are too many that even the magnetosphere can’t be tolerable, it causes a moving of our magnetic field, and that, in turn, will cause electric currents on the ground, and these currents can cause fluctuations, and transformers to be shorted out. This would bring down the power grid and cause blackouts. So if we he been hit by a solar blast that powerful enough, our cascading failures in power system could fry the electric grid the world over. According to a recent report issued by the National Academy of Sciences, full recovery could take 4 to 10 years. If it really does hened, the consequences could be devastating, the food is going to run out, people could be dead of freezing, suddenly people would not he water for drinking, or for agriculture, or for sewage.

Modern civilization will be hurled back into a literal dark age, and the result could be anarchy. But actually it only gets worse from here.

As a moving of the magnetic field, it causes our land moving around, and getting lots of huge crashes between land and land. As it is crashing, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and La Rivers would come for destroying us, for wiping us out.

But that doesn’t mean humanity has to just sit around and wait for the sun to chat and blister the world that we he made.

There is lot we can do to prepare for something like this. We can do lots of things with the power grids. You basically turn them off or turn them down, and something like this. But everything that mentioned is just the predictions from our scientists, and the likelihood of that will hen in 2012 is low and from lots of more report and researching, the likelihood is getting lower. But it is not meaning that it is not going to hen forever, it means it is not going to hen in 2012, but soon.


Totally 184 effective questionnaires are took back, 84 of them are for investigating infertile woman, 100 of them are for normal pregnant woman. The erage score of satisfaction on life in marriage of infertile woman is 7.85, whereas that of normal pregnant woman is 9.65. p<0.05 can be got through t test, it indicates statistical difference exists between them. The erage score of marriage satisfaction for infertile woman is 13.92, whereas that for normal pregnant woman is 14.38. p>0.05 can be got through t test, it indicates no statistical difference exists between them. The erage score of couple communication for infertile woman is 11.43, whereas that of normal pregnant woman is 13.63. p<0.05 can be got through t test, it indicates statistical difference exists between them.


How much time do you spend sufting the Internet everyday?

<1>花费的句型是:spend time/money doing/to do sth



<4>You spend time sufting the Internet. 因为you spend之间没有be动词,所以需要一个助动词来提问!



在这句话中,the erage American意思是普通的美国人,类似用法还有the erage person普通人。比如:I'm not the erage person.我不是个普通人。用erage表示普通的标准的意思的时候,前面必须有个the,以同其他层次相区别。比如人,分为三教九流,特别出众或者特别愚笨的,那么普通人就是其中的the erage

第二个The的解释就更简单了。 courage to try something new是特指的美国人的很多种个性之一,所以前面要有the.

整句话的意思是: 普通的美国人在他的生活中要搬14次家。勇于尝试新事物是从他们祖先建设国家的过程中流传下的美国人的性格特质。


前一句The erage Amercian moves 14 times in his lifetime.是一个简单句,主语the erage Amercian,谓语moves,宾语14 times,时间状语in his lifetime

后一句的框架结构是:The courage has been an American characteristic.

to try something new 是不定式,修饰主语courage,放在其后作后置定语

ever since their forefathers fought to build up the country----这是时间状语从句。第二句的主句是一般现在时,以ever since引导的时间状语从句要用过去时,表示从过去某个时间开始到现在怎么样。




China will try to make sure that the jop licant /employee can receive eragely 13.3 years of education. If the objective can be achieved , most of the people who make entry to the labour market all need to oain a diploma of university level .


In the years that are followed , China will concentrate its efforts to increase the enrollment of vocational college: In addition to paying attention to the higher education, China will go on looking for new breakthrough to make sure that education system can be more equitable/impartial. China is trying to make use of the education resource by which more support will be oained by the countryside and less developed areas.


Education Minstry also decided to improve the nutrition of the students of less developed areas and provided the children of migrant workers with the equitable opportunity of receving education in cities.



1. It is uncertain the number of Chinese religious believers.

2. Chinese religious are variety, and there is no dominant religion.

3. it is disproportion in geographical distribution of Chinese religion.

一、雅思阅读看到all, only, must, every等绝对词就选F

题目1:Cities with high levels of bicycle usage can be efficient even when public transport is only eragely good.

原文:Bicycle use was not included in the study but Newman noted that the two most ?bicycle friendly? cities considered-Amsterdam and Copenhagen-were very efficient, even though their public transport systems were ?reasonable but not special?.

这道题一些学生看完题目就直接写答案F,想当然的认为题干表达太过于绝对一定是错的,但事实上only eragely good意思是?只有一般般好,还行?,和原文定位句中的reasonable but not special是同意替换表达,所以正确答案是T。

雅思阅读题目2:The trees from which quinine is derived grow only in South America.

原文:At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. The drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the ailable supply.




雅思阅读题目:Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross national product.

原文:This industry is the world?s leading industrial contributor, producing over 6 per cent of the world?s gross national product and accounting for capital investment in excess of $422 billion in direct, indirect and personal taxes each year.




题目:Private schools in Japan are more modern and spacious than state-run lower secondary schools.

雅思阅读原文:Lower secondary schools in Japan cover three school years, from the seventh grade(age 13) to the ninth grade(age 15). Virtually all pupils at this stage attend state schools: only 3 per cent are in the private sector. Schools are usually modern in design, set well back from the road and spacious inside.


这道题考察的是判断题中比较级的考点,虽然比较对象,比较内容都是相符的 ,但原文中这两者并未发生比较关系,我们无从得知more?than这个对比结果,所以答案是NG。还有些同学读懂题干后毫不犹豫就写T,因为非常符合现实情况,学生会根据自己的常识进行主观臆断,但这个在做判断题的过程中是非常忌讳的。
