




adulterate_Adulterated wine




homogeneously 同一的,基因(前缀,词根adj adv) make a reservation 订房间: (出现两次)

commitment 商业方面的约定 engagement 一般的约定(也指订婚)

gorgeous 秀色可餐,太美了 lease 签租约

mortgage 抵押, installment 分期付款

collide with 与......相冲突


deprive of 剥夺 budget 预算 compensation 弥补,补偿

eternal永恒的 intuition 直觉 penalty 惩罚,点球

potential 潜在的 in terms of在......方面 sheer完全的

trivial 琐碎的


regardless of 除了


demonstrate 演示 demonstrated beauty 倾国倾城 mingled情感、气息、气味的混合


claim有100多条解释Constrain 陪考:empirical 凭经验的,主观的

出现giant panda/species 就选死光光,绝种extinct







aspire不断地呼吸-->渴望 ers=turn (旋转)

Universe 围绕地旋转-->宇宙,单一的,同样的

converse 扭转,共同地

reverse 颠倒,反转,倒带,反

diverse 不同的

vertigo 头晕,分开

cess=go (走路)

access 一再地走-->接近,一再

excess 超过-->过渡,超出

recess 走回来-->休息

process 前进,加工 scend=climb (爬)

ascend v.攀登,轻薄物体的上升,声音从远处传来

descendant n.后代(在你后面爬)

transcend v.超越,胜过

cest 跑

ancestor 在前面跑-->祖先

sophomore 大二生

PS:九三学社,上午九点起,,下午睡到3点 cur跑

precursor 在前面跑-->祖先

form 形式

reform 一再地改变形式--> 改革

conform 共同->符合

perform 演出

deform 不好的形式-->畸形 不好 sophy智慧

sophisticated 复杂的,老于世故的


philosophy 哲学,爱智慧


bankrupt 破产

interrupt 打断

exclusive interview 人物专访

corrupt r双写+co=共同

共同在断-->腐败-->破坏 excursion 跑出去-->旅游


exclusive a.排他的,独占的,专属的

exclude v.排除在外

inclusive a. 包围住的,包括的

preclude v.预防,妨碍

ped 脚

expedition 脚出去-->探险

biped 双足的

pedal 脚蹬的地方

define 加强限定-->下定义 stat 站在那

stationary 静止的

statue 全身雕塑

scribe=write (写)

ascribe 归因于

subscribe 订阅,提交,在下面写

conscribe 征兵

circumscribe 限制,圆圈

ps:《西游记》"三打白骨精"中老孙给唐僧划了个圈,限制范围,保护他。 press压

impression 压在你心里面-->印象

express 压出来-->表达

suppress 往下压-->平息,镇压

oppress 压迫,压制



debate 争论

combat 搏斗

acrobat 杂技

ps:北大博雅塔+未明湖=?(一塌糊涂) flicient

deflicient 缺乏的,不够的

subfficient 足够的

proficient a.精通的;n.专家

efficient 效率的


conflict 一起打-->冲突,战争

afflict 一再地打击-->折磨

inflict 自虐,自我折磨 front 面对

confront 使面临,对抗

affront 脸一直凑过去-->冒犯,侮辱

effrontery 厚颜无耻




ingest 进入管道-->吃入,摄入 miss送

mission 送出去的-->任务

commission 共同送出去的任务


dismiss 疏散,解散,解雇,免职

omission 省略,忽略


repel 推回来-->相斥


propel 往前推-->推进

compliments 赞美之词 sist 站立

resist 抵制

consist of 由......组成

persist (一直总)坚持

assist 帮助

decline 下降

incline 倾向 be inclined to do 喜欢做

recline 斜躺(安娜卡列尼娜卧轨自杀) ple 满,完成

implement 实施,执行

complement 相补充、相弥补

superior 优良的,卓越的

superable 可取的,可胜任的

supreme 最高的,至高无上的

superb 庄重的,极好的 fin 终点,范围

confine 限制

finish 完成

definite 明确的

infinite 无限,极大

cede 走


recede 后退 rip(撕裂)

grip v. 抓

gripping 扣人心弦的

ceed 走

proceed with=contine with

exceed 超过

exceeding 巨大的 defect n.过失,错误

affect n.影响,侵袭

effect n.效果,作用

infect v.传染,感染

pat 父亲,祖国

patrol 巡逻

expatriate 驱逐出境

compatriot 同胞(有共同的祖国)

repatriate v.遣返

patriot n.爱国者 tent扩展,延展

intentionally 故意地

content 内容

patent 怕传出去-->申请专利保护



acrobat 高级的杂耍-->杂技

anonymous没名-->匿名的 tract 拖,拉

extract 拉出来-->萃取,提取

attract 一再地拉-->吸引(美好的)

distract 拉走了-->分散,转移,分神

cise 切

precise 事先切好-->精确

concise 共同切-->简洁的,简明的

compact 结实的,简洁的,紧凑的(常考) lump 肿块,疙瘩

hump 驼峰

plump 丰满<-->bony骨感美人

goose lump外国人的鹅皮疙瘩

perspective n.,全景

inspect v.检查,视察

expect v.期待

prospect n.前景

spectacles 眼镜 undertake 承担,许诺

undergo 经历,遭受

underscore 强调

underlying a.基本的

four underlying principles

underline 强调

bar 棍子

barbarian 野蛮人


embarrass 用棍子打屁股-->尴尬 vivid 鲜艳的

revive 复活

survive 存活


prime 黄金时期,青春;主要的,最初的

primitive 原始的

preliminary 预备的 hypo 低

hypotension 低血压

hypothsis 说

hyper 高

hypersensitive 高度敏感

turb 搅动

turbine 搅动机

turbulent 混乱的,动荡的=chaos relent 反复地借-->v.使......宽厚,仁慈

<-->relentless 无情,冷酷

shear v.剪羊毛;n.大剪刀(羊有耳朵ear)

sheer adv. 完全地 kernel r像花-->核

kennel 有n像门-->狗窝

sprout 有r-->v.发芽

spout 爆发 fragrant r一朵花-->香喷喷的

flagrant l像粪勺-->臭烘烘的,罪恶昭著的,声名狼藉的


hen 有个门 -->避难所

heen ea表示在......上面-->避难所在上面-->天堂 loom l高高的个子,oo大大的眼睛的MM在网上是很少的-->若隐若现

gloom 因此GG感到很郁闷-->郁闷,阴沉

morose mo白话"冇"的音-没有,rose代表爱情-没有爱情-->郁闷,阴沉


amorous 爱摸玫瑰(rose音同rous)

-->好色的,的 ponderous 胖得要死-->笨重的

pest 拍死它-->害虫

gangster 干死他-->匪徒

chaos 吵死-->吵闹的;正确发音:[ ke,a:s] quaint 把q看成g,汉语拼音:guai怪


acquaint ac表示一再-->


naive 奶糊的-->天真的,无邪的,-->幼稚

juvenile 久闻奶-->青少年 shatter 沙特被人连灌8球--梦想破碎-->破碎

acme AC米兰(能发展到AC米兰-->顶点

aftermath 在马死后,要调查,就是引起余波-->余波

elegant 把leg想象成在T字台上走的大腿-->优雅 obscene 我不see/信--我不看-->下流的,*荡的

obstinate 我不听你的-->固执的(考过)

al 我怕-->恐惧 Lobuster 老不死-->龙虾

blunder 不太烂的-->小错误

commit a blunder 犯小错(常考) original 最初的,原创的--orginals n.原著

slippery 滑,老*巨猾

ps:新东方老师杜子华 slip one's mind 忘了...... plunge into 跳进 lung 肺,p(扑)进水里,水进入肺中,然后出来e(out)

plight把火扑灭-->困境 eg:No one can be a hero in plight.

decline 具体数字、数据下降,如汇率;婉言拒绝

ps:女孩拒绝不喜欢的男孩:我跟你只有物理反应;化学反应表示喜欢 ambiguous安必规(治疗药)-->模棱两可,似是而非(考过)

absurd 爱不死-->荒谬(考过) wallflower 壁花,局外人(特指在舞会中无人邀请的女孩)

spicy 辣味的 spic 看 conspicuous 看得到的--明显的(一般考交通标志很明显)

rehension 一再地事先不知道-->理解,明白,忧虑,恐惧

PS:骷髅骨吓到大人,可小孩就哈哈大笑,还说"打你个死人头"!要理解死亡才会恐惧 tremendous 可怕的,巨大的,高速的(不要激怒老熊)

tremble 因恐惧而颤抖,trem恐惧;end结果--害怕结果-->可怕的

magnify 放大-->magnificent 精美的

=gorgeous cumulus积雨云-->accumulate一再地积累-->积聚,堆积

luxi住在仙女的皮肤(力士香皂)-->luxury拥有那种皮肤是件奢侈的事->奢侈 fabricate (fabre纤维)-->编造,捏造

decent (低头看钱)找工作要看薪水-->合适的 despise (spit 吐口水)低头向他吐口水-->蔑视

innocent (被人抓住的小偷兜里没钱)-->无辜 scorn 长得像死玉米-->贬低

abuse (离开)-->滥用 abide (I=爱)离开爱-->忍受痛苦

subject to 1.=undergo 经历;2.=bring 带来 compatible with 与......相容(常考)

illumine 一路明-->照亮,点亮 illumination n. revenge myself on sb .亲自报复

alternate a.轮流的,轮换的-->alternative a.其他的;n.另一选择 revenues pl.收入,税收 venues 维纳斯 想拥有她那样的身材就得付钱

In collaboration(共同劳动) with 与......相合作(文化艺术),与......相一致 tantalus n.致命的诱惑


tantalize v.逗弄 deviation from 与......相背离 真题:科学家的计算跟人们目测之间是存在偏差。

eligible 合格,符合条件的;

negligible 可以忽略,不予重视的(考过) intelligible 不告诉别人也知道-->容易被人理解的

ponder=contemplate 深思,思考 crucial (十字路口) 人生的十字路口


stonemason 石头妈的儿子-->石匠 demo 民主-->condemnation 指责,谴责


acute 尖的,敏锐的(02,1)急


prominent 优秀的 eminent 突出的,杰出的 outstanding 杰出的

六级中考到的" "

entertainment enjoyment 自娱自乐 amusement (女神缪斯)最正宗的

pastime 休闲, recreation (消遣,) leisure 悠闲,安逸


sponsors 发起人 contributors 捐助人 vocal(声音上)

advocates 一再地声援-->拥护者,支持者




其他选项:collide with 运动物体的相撞

bump into运动物体向静止物体相撞

coincide with 时间、空间上都是一致的


reproductive 复制,生殖系统的 duplicate 复制,模仿

deliberately 不是随便想出来-->故意地,深思熟虑地 去掉 自由 Intentionally 故意地

dispatch/despatch=sent派遣,打发 external外部的 internal内部的

eternal 永恒的(常考)Eg:pledge one's eternal love.(发个永恒的誓言) 纪念林肯的长明灯:eternal fire

degrade 降级(常考)

degraded 品味低俗的,低级

degraded taste ensure 确保,确定

assure 确信、确保

pulse 跳-->repulsive 厌恶的,恶心的=nasty

retch 干吐都吐不出来-->恶心-->wretch

我干吐都吐不出来->可怜,可爱,不幸 consolidate(固体solid) 增强 position/power

enhance 增强 valuable/attrach/reputation

notion 观念,概念

notable n.著名 a.显著的 take notice of 注意

notify v.正式通知-->notification n.

notorious (常考)a.臭名昭著


eg:you are notoriously beautiful.你十分漂亮。 significant 重要的<-->trivial去他的-->


manifestation 用现象来证明

specification 详细说明,产品说明书


anticipation 预测

hee=hoist 举重物

conceive of=think 想出

(与deprive of都是六级的最爱)

propagate (paga=page)往前翻多一页

-->breed 大量地繁殖

implicit (plic重叠)含蓄的;

explicit 直接的

extragance (vag 游荡;有多余的钱到外面游荡)=luxury 奢侈 vulgar 粗俗的;流行的,盛行的=prevail v. prevalent a.


degenerate 蜕化

deteriorate v.使......恶化

considerate 连吃都考虑到了-->考虑周到 considerable(能考虑的都考虑到了)量很大-->相当大的

accommodate 调停,调解

=mediate=reconcile retort=refuse 反驳,顶嘴



adhere(粘着,坚持) to

comply(顺从,承诺) with传送,疾病的传播

comform(符合) to need/standard

transition 季节的转变,年龄的过渡


transaction 交易

transformation 改变,变换 trans-

transmission 文化的传递,电视广播

respectable 外表看起来受人尊重的

respectable和respected统一就是respected 本身品质高尚的

consistent 一致的(考过2次)

respectful 尊重他人的,尊老爱幼

respective 各自的,分别的


spontaneously 自发地,天生地

simultaneously 同时地

homogeneously 单一地,同样地

instantaneously 立即,立刻地 substitute for代替

constitute v.组成

institute n.学院学校

constitution 宪法



constitution Amendment宪法修正案

institution 机构


catch on

make sense of

get at(始终没有成为答案) 诱惑

Lure诱饵-->诱惑 可好可不好

induce 不好的

eg:Eve and adam were induced to eat the

forbidden fruit.(亚当和夏娃)


elicit 诱出,引起

evoke 唤起,引起

vex 使烦恼,恼怒

arouse 唤起,引起

trigger引发,引起 看

gape 因为吃惊而盯着,比如看到猿猴

gaze 对......什么感兴趣而紧盯,凝视

peep peeping Tom 狂

glimpse 瞥了一眼 love at first glimpse

scan 搜索,扫描 scanner 扫描仪




puzzle 客观、主观(永陪)


objective 客观的

empirical 主观的,凭经验的(陪考选项)

arbitrary 专断的,凭主观的(陪考)




motivate 渗透(常考)

penetrate 渗透

permeate 渗透、扩散



estimate 对一般数值、价格的估计

evaluate 评价,评估

assessment 评价资产、财产 表示粗俗

coarse 1、粗糙;2、言行举止粗鲁

vulgar 庸俗、冒犯

rough 表面粗糙的


absorb 吸收并成为一部分

enroll 招收一些成员

suck 吸 sucking and refreshing

精神为之一振coca cola

(但refresh更多指快感) 永恒,永远 (重点)


permanent 永恒的,持久的

perpetual (追,求)永久的

constant 不变的,持续的




vigorous 比较好 复杂的


intricate 错综复杂的




convention 国际性会议

forum 论坛 (以前在罗马供人讨论的圆桌)

summit 峰会(首脑级) 弱

feeble 非常薄-->脆弱(常考)

frail 脆弱,易受伤害=vulnerable

invalid (大病后)体弱,无效,过期的

weak 虚弱,体弱


initiate 在里面开始吃-->开始

embark at 开始

embark on/upon 登船登飞机

commence 开始

commencement 国外研究生的毕业典礼 风景,景

landscape 陆地上最大的风景

seascape 海景

scenery 风景,舞台上的布景

view 特定的地方,特定的风景

scene 场面,情景,景色


an array (大批)of

hordes(游牧民族) of swarms(一大群) of (未考过)

massive (大块的)of


show me to the door.把......领到门口

show me the door.拒之门外

show one's teeth.极端愤怒

love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌

every dog has his days.

三十年河东,三十年河西。(风水轮流转) cut short 剪头发

cut my hair 剃光头

You are totally a mess.你是个大混蛋。

Reckon with 计算,认为

Grease hand 给某人手上抹油-->行贿

a dog has two tails. 欣喜若狂


A criminal对 his defending lawyer(被告律师,辩护律师) 说:"我想 grease judge's hand" 律师说:" not feasible(不可行), 那么你又多 commit a crime。第二天, The prisoner 被带到court for trial(受审). Jury (陪审团)一致 verdict(裁决) not guilty(无罪), 法官 sentence(宣判) the criminal 赢得 the legal proceedings(法定程序,法律诉讼) ,他对他被告律师说我依然行贿了法官,律师说:"incredible" 他说: " presumably" 我在送的礼品时是以对手的identity送的!!!!




本故事abridge/abbreviate(摘)自狄更斯雾都孤儿,就算是个abbreviation/abstract (摘要)。

奥立弗是个abject(可怜的)孩子,他刚刚出生受过ablution,家里就遭遇adversity(不幸),母亲就去世了,因为没人知道谁是他的父亲,他就此被abandoned,为一个orphanage所adopted。这种orphanage其实是个童工作坊,因为这孩子既不会adulterate(掺的),又不懂adulate(奉承,谄媚),所以在orphanage(孤儿院)里倍受院长abused(虐待)。orphanage里accommodation inadequate,吃不饱穿不暖,奥立弗实在不能adapt to 这里的生活,打粥的时候想多要一碗,就被卖给adjacent/abut(毗邻)棺材铺老板当rentice(学徒)了。奥立弗也不能abide(忍受)那里的生活,就偷偷得abscond(潜逃)去了London。


1.跑at tremendous speed(速度快) 70公里/小时

2.有tolerance(耐力) successively go after you (连续追)5小时

3.上树 not feasible(不可行) 力量大 strength 会把树给push (推倒)

4.不要装死 disguise (伪装) as a dead man .因为它们已经进化,不管你是死还是活先slap (打你几耳光)只要对它说我是清华的,小心我用硫酸泼你,它立刻会run away(用硫酸泼熊是清华的).



2。做四套真题,词汇部分 只做词汇

3。做personal dictionary把真题中出现的所有不认识的单词写在personal dictionary背诵


5。保证三天写一篇作文 与同学相互修改






4但有的同学说做后答案都记忆住了,如何在做,我的体会是这样的,第一次按时间做 第二次,精读,第三次不做题只是在分析文章分析老师的讲课思路,这一点很重要!

文章分为启承转合四个部分,面启是指开头 承是指展开论述,转是指一个让步可转折,因为对任事都不可能完全否定或完全支持。合是结束语 而文章分为新老观点对比型,首段结论型,问题解决型,设问及其回答 。那新老观点对比型主题应出现在一段未可二段开头,否则就没有篇展开论述了 而首段结论型主题在第一段,那么第一段是必读第二段开头是必读的,在文章结束时三句话必然是合的部分,而往往会有考题,一般有一道题,所经以结束前三名话必读,其佘各段只读首句一般就够了,而对于做题时,在未读文章前就应该将各题的关键词画出来,还有文章的出题顺序与原文的出题顺序大致相同,找答案时按题索原文章就可以了!




1) aer, ar, 含义是“空气,大气” aeroplane, aerial,

2) ag, act, ig, 含义是“做,动作” active, agent, reaction,

3) alt, 含义是“高”, altitude,

4) alter, altern, altr, 含义是“其它,变更” alternate,

5) bio, bi, bion, 含义是“生物,生命” biology, bionics(仿生学)

6) brev, bri, brief, 含义是“短” brief, abbreviation, abridge(节略)

7) cap, capt, cept, cip, 含义是“取,获” capture, except, concept, capacity

8) ced, ceed, cess, 含义是“行,让步” proceed, succeed, excess(过度)

9) centr, centr, 含义是“中心” concentrate, eccentric(偏心的)

10) clain, clam, 含义是“呼喊” claim, proclaim, exclaim

11) clos, clud, 含义是“闭合” conclude, enclose, include

12) col, cult, 含义是“耕耘” colony, cultivate, agriculture

13) cor, cord, 含义是“心” cordial, record, accord

14) curr, cur, cour, 含义是“跑,动作” current, occur, concurrence(同时发生)

15) dic, dict, 含义是“说,示” dictate, edit, indicate, predict

16) doc, doct, 含义是“教” doctor, document.nbsp

17) duc, duct含义是“引导,传导” introduce, produce, conduct, deduct( 推论)

18) fact, fac, fect, dic, dit, 含义是“做,创造” factory, effect, profit, faculty, perfect

19) fend, fens, 含义是“打,击” defence, offence

20) fer, 含义是“搬运,移转” ferry, transfer, defer(迟延)

21) fin, finit, 含义是“终,极” final, finish, confine

22) firm, 含义是“坚固” firm, confirm, affirm(断定)

23) fix, 含义是“固定” prefix, affix(附加)

24) flect, flex, 含义是“弯曲” flexible, reflex

25) flor, flour, flower, 含义是“花” flower, flourish

26) form, 含义是“形” uniform, formula, transform, reform, deform

27) forc, fort, 含义是“力,强度” force, enforce, effort

28) gen, genit, 含义是“生产,发生” generate, generation

29) gram, graph, 含义是“书写,记录” telegram, diagram, photograph

30) grad, gress, gred, gree, 含义是“步,阶段” gradually, degree, progress

31) hab, habit, hibit, 含义是“保持,住” inhabit, exhibit, prohibit

32) her, hes, 含义是“粘附” adhere, cohesion

33) ject, jet, 含义是“抛射” project, inject

34) jour, 含义是“日,一天” journal(日记), journey, adjourn(延期)

35) jug, junct, 含义是“结合,连合” conjunction, junction(连合)

36) labour, labor, 含义是“劳动,工作” labourer, elaborate, collaborate

37) lect, leg, lig, 含义是“挑选,集” collect, select, lecture

38) lif, liv, 含义是“生活,生存” life, alive, live

39) loc, 含义是“场所,位置” location, dislocate(脱位)

40) long, leng, ling, 含义是“长的” length, prolong, linger

41) loqu, locut, 含义是“说话” colloquial, eloquent,

42) mand, mend, 含义是“命令” command, demand, recommend

43) man, manu, 含义是“手,手法” manage, manual

44) memor, menber, 含义是“记忆” memory, remember, memorial

45) mind, ment, 含义是“心” mind, remind, mental

46) merc, merch, 含义是“贸易” commerce, merchant

47) meas, mens, meter, metr, 含义是“测量,度量” measure, meter, diameter

48) min, 含义是“小” diminish, minority

49) miss, mit, 含义是“派遣,送” mission, dismiss, transmit, missile

50) mob, mot, mov, 含义是“动” movement, motion, mobile, remove

51) nect, nex, 含义是“捆扎” connect, disconnect, annex(合并)

52) not, 含义是“记号,注意” note, denote, annotation(注释)

53) onom, onym, 含义是“名字” synonym, antonym, anonymous

54) pair, par, 含义是“a)相同,对等b)准备” compare, prepare

55) pel, puls, 含义是“追逐” expel, impel(推进)

56) pend, pens, pond, 含义是“悬挂” depend, independent, expense(支付)

57) phon, 含义是“声音” symphony, telephone, microphone

58) plac, 含义是“位置,场所” place, replace

59) peopl, popul, publ, 含义是“人民,民众” public, republic, popular, people

60) port, 含义是“搬运” export, import, deport(输送)

61) press, 含义是“压,压制” pressure, express, oppress, impression

62) prob, proof, prov, 含义是“实验,验证” prove, rove,

63) quer, quest, quir, quis, 含义是“寻找,探问” inquiry, question, inquisition(调查,追究)

64) rang, rank, 含义是“排列” arrange, rank,

65) rect, right, rig, 含义是“正,直” correct, direct, erect

66) riv, 含义是“河流,流远”,river, arrive, derive

67) rupt, 含义是“破坏,毁坏” eruption, bankrupt, corruption

68) sci, 含义是“认识,知识” science, conscious

69) scrib, script, 含义是“书写,记录” describe, script

70) sens, sent, 含义是“感觉,情感” sensation, sentiment

71) sign, 含义是“标记,符号” signal, signature, design

72) sembl, simil, 含义是“相似,类似” similar, resemble, assimilate(同化)

73) soci, 含义是“结合,社交” social, association

74) spec, spect, spitc, spis, 含义是“看,视” inspect, spectator, conspicuous, respect

75) struct, 含义是“建筑,构造” structure, construct, instruct, destruction

76) tect, teg, 含义是“遮蔽,掩盖” detect, protect

77) temp, tens, 含义是“时间,时机” tense, contemporary, temporal

78) tend, tes, tent, 含义是“倾向, 伸张” tendency, intension, extend, intend

79) test, 含义是“证明,证实” testify, protest, contest(争论)

80) text, 含义是“编织, 构成” textile, texture, context

81) tract, trail, 含义是“拖拉,吸引” attract, tractor, abstract, contract(收缩)

82) tribut, 含义是“给予” contribution, distribute

83) us, ut, 含义是“用,使用” usable, utilize, abuse

84) vac, van, 含义是“空,虚” vacancy, vanity, evacuate(清空)

85) vad, vas, wad, 含义是“走,去” invade, wade, evade(逃避)

86) vers, vert, 含义是“旋转,反转” convert, inversion(倒转), reverse, divert(使转向)

87) vid, vis, vey, view, 含义是“观看,看见” television, visible, evident, interview, survey

88) viv, vit, 含义是“生,活” vivid, vital, survival,

89) war, ward, 含义是“注意,保护” aware, wary(谨慎), ward(守护)

90) way, 含义是“路” way, away, subway, always

一. 常见的前缀



a-, an-, asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的)

dis- dishonest, dislike

in-, ig-, il, im, ir, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregular

ne-, n-, none, neither, never

non-, noesense

neg-, neglect

un- unable, unemployment


male-, mal-, malfunction, maladjustment(失调)

mis-, mistake, mislead

pseudo-, pseudonym(名), pseudoscience


de-, defend, demodulation(解调)

dis-, disarm, disconnect

un-, unload, uncover


anti-, ant- antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的)

contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流)

counter-, counterreaction, counterbalance

ob-, oc-, of-, op-, object, oppose, occupy

with-, withdraw, withstand

2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀

1)a- 表示“在……之上”,“向……”

aboard, aside,

2)by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧”

bypath, bypass(弯路)

3)circum-, circu-, 表示“周围,环绕,回转”

circumstance, circuit

4)de-, 表示“在下,向下”

descend, degrade

5)en-, 表示“在内,进入”

encage, enbed(上床)

6)ex-, ec-, es-, 表示“外部,外”

exit, eclipse, expand, export

7)extra-, 表示“额外”

extraction (提取)

8)fore- 表示“在前面”

forehead, foreground

9)in-, il-, im-, ir-, 表示“向内,在内,背于”

inland, invade, inside, import

10)inter-, intel-, 表示“在……间,相互”

international, interaction, internet

11)intro-, 表示“向内,在内,内侧”

introduce, introduce

12)medi-, med-, mid-, 表示“中,中间”

Mediterranean, midposition

13)out-, 表示“在上面,在外部,在外”

outline, outside, outward

14)over-, 表示“在上面,在外部,向上”

overlook, overhead, overboard

15)post-, 表示"向后,在后边,次”


16)pre-, 表示"在前”在前面”

prefix, preface, preposition

17)pro-, 表示“在前,向前”

progress, proceed,

18)sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, 表示“在下面,下”

subway, submarine, suffix, suppress, supplement

19)super-, sur-, 表示“在…..之上”

superficial, surface, superstructure

20)trans-, 表示“移上,转上,在那一边”

translate, transform, transoceanic

21)under-, 表示“在…..下面,下的”

underline, underground, underwater

22)up-, 表示“向上,向上面,在上”

upward, uphold, uphill(上坡)

3. 表示时间,序列关系的前缀

1)ante-, anti-, 表示“先前,早于,预先”

antecedent, anticipate,

2)ex-, 表示“先,故,旧”

expresident, exhusband

3)fore-, 表示“在前面,先前,前面”

foreward, dorecast, foretell(预言)

4)mid-, medi-, 表示“中,中间”

midnight, midsummer



6)pre-, pri-, 表示“在前,事先,预先”

preheat, prewar, prehistory

7)pro-, 表示“在前,先,前”


8)re-, 表示“再一次,重新”

retell, rewrite

4. 表示比较程度差别关系的前缀

1)by-, 表示“副,次要的”

byproduct, bywork(副业)



3)hyper- 表示“超过,极度”

hypersonic(超声波), hypertesion(高血压)


outdo(超过), outbid(出价过高的人)


overeat, overdress, oversleep

6) sub-, suc-, sur-, 表示“低,次,副,亚”

subeditor, subordinate, suropical(亚热带)

7)super-, sur- 表示“超过”

supernature, superpower, surplus, surpass


undersize, undergrown, underproduction(生产不足)

9)vice- 表示“副,次”

vicepresident, vicechairman

5. 表示共同,相等意思的前缀

1)com-, cop-, con-, cor-, co- 表示“共同,一起”。

connect, combine, collect, combat, coexist, co-operate

2)syn-, syl-,sym-,表示“同,共,和,类”

symmetry, sympathy, synthesis(合成)

6. 表示整个完全意思的前缀

1)al- 表示“完整,完全”alone, almost,

2) over-表示“完全,全”overall, overflow(充满)

3) pan-表示“全,总,万”panentheism(泛神论),panorama

7. 表示分离,离开意思的前缀

1)a- ab-, abs-,表示“分离,离开” away, apart, abstract, abstain

2)de- 表示“离去,处去”depart, decolour,

3)dis-, di-, dif-, 表示“分离,离开” divorce, disarm(缴械)

4)ex-, e-, 表示“离开,分离”expel, exclude, expatriate(驱出国外)

5)for- 表示“离开,脱离”forget, forgive

6)表示“离开”release, resolve

7)表示“分离,隔离”separate, seduce, select

8. 表示通过,遍及意思的前缀

1)dia-,表示“通过,横过”diameter, diagram,

2)per-, pel-, 表示“通,总,遍”perfect, perform, pervade(浸透)

3)trans-, 表示“横过,贯通”transparent, transmit, transport

9. 表示加强意思的前缀

a-, arouse, ashamed

ad-, adjoin, adhere( 粘着)

10. 表示变换词类作用的前缀

be-, befriend,

en-, ensle, enable, enrich

ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, adapt, accord, affix, aggression, arrive, assist, attend, attract, arrange, assign(委派)

11. 表示数量关系的前缀


mon-, mon-, monotone(单调),monopoly, monarch

uni-, un-, uniform, unicellular(单细胞)


ambi-, ambiguous, amphibian(两栖类)

bi-, bin- bicycle, di-, diode(二级管),

twi-, twilight

3)表示“十”deca, deco-, dec- deci-, decade, decimals


hecto-, hect-, hectometer,

centi-, centimeter

5)表示"千,千分子一” kilo-, kilometer


myria-, myri-, myriametre

mega-, meg-, megabyte

micro-, microvolt (微伏特)


multi-, mult-, multipmetre (万用表)

poly-, polysyllable,


hemi-, hemisphere

demi-, demiofficial

semi-, semiconductor, semitransparent

pene-, pen-, peninsula

12. 表示特殊意义的前缀

1)arch-, 表示“首位,第一的,主要的”architect, archbishop

2)auto-, 表示“自己,独立,自动”automobile, autobiography

3)bene-, 表示“善,福”benefit

4)eu-, 表示“优,美好”eugenics(优生学),euphemism

5)male-, mal- 表示“恶,不良”maltreatment, malodor,

6)macro-, 表示“大,宏大”macroscopic(宏观)

7)magni-, 表示“大”magnificent

8)micro-, 表示“微”microscope

13. 表示术语的前缀

1)aud-, 表示“听,声”audience,

2)bio-, 表示“生命,生物”biography(传记)

3)ge-, 表示“地球,大地”geography

4)phon-, 表示“声,音调”phonograph

5)tele-, 表示“远离”television, telephone <!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_245298-->

二. 常见的后缀

1. 名词后缀

(1) 具有某种职业或动作的人

1)-an, -ain, 表示"……地方的人,精通……的人”American, historian,

2)-al, 表示"具有……职务的人" principal,

3)-ant,-ent, 表示"……者” merchant, agent, servant, student,

4)-ar, 表示"……的人” scholar, liar, peddler

5)-ard, -art, 表示"做……的人”coward, laggard, braggart(夸张者)

6)-arian, 表示"……派别的人, ……主义的人”humanitarian, vegetarian

7)-ary, 表示"从事……的人" secretary, missionary

8)-ant, 表示"具有……职责的人" candidate, graduate

9)-ator, 表示"做……的人" educator, speculator(投机者)

10)-crat, 表示"某种政体,主义的支持者" democrat, bureaucrat

11)-ee, 表示"动作承受者" employee, examinee

12)-eer, 表示"从事于……人" engineer, volunteer

13)-er, 表示"从事某种职业的人, 某地区,地方的人" banker, observer, Londoner, villager

14)-ese, 表示" ……国人,…..地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese

15)-ess, 表示"阴性人称名词, actress, hostess, manageress

16)-eur, 表示"……家” amateur, littérateur

17)-ian, 表示"……地方人,信仰…….教的人,从事……职业的人”Christian, physician(内科医生),musician

18)-ician, 表示"精通者, ……家,”electrician, magician, technician

19)-icist, 表示"……家, …….者, …….能手”physicist, phoneticist, technicist

20)-ic, 表示"……者,……师" mechanic, critic

21)-ie, 表示"爱,指小" dearie, auntie, lassie(小姑娘)

22)-ier, 表示"从事……职业” calier, clothier, brazier(黄铜匠)

23)-ine, ian, 表示"阴性人称" e, ballerina

24)-ist, 表示"从事……研究者,信仰……主义者" pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist

25)-ive, 表示"动作者,行为者” native, captive

26)-logist, 表示"……学家,研究者" biologist, geologist(地质学家)

27)-or, 表示"……者" author, doctor, operator,

28)-ster, 表示"做…….事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster

29)-yer, 表示" 从事……职业者” lawyer

(2). 构成,具有抽象名词的含义1)-acy, 表示"性质,状态,境遇" accuracy, diplomacy

2)-age, 表示"状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称" courage, storage, marriage

3)-al, a) 表示"事物的动作,过程”refusal, arrival, survival, denial, roval

<!--emo&B)--><!--endemo--> 表示具体的事物manual, signal, editorial, journal

4)-ance, -ence表示"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” endurance, importance, diligence, difference, obedience

5)-ancy, -ency, 表示"性质,状态,行为,过程" frequency, urgency, efficiency,

6)-bility, 表示"动作,性质,状态" possibility, feasibility,

7)-craft, 表示"工艺,技巧” woodcraft, handicraft, statecraft(治国策)

8)-cracy, 表示"统治,支配" bureaucracy, democracy

9)-cy, 表示"性质,状态,职位,级别" bankruptcy(破产),supremacy

10)-dom, 表示"等级,领域,状态" freedom, kingdom, wisdom

11)-ery, -ry, 表示"行为,状态,习性" brery, bribery, rivalry

12)-ety, 表示"性质,状态” variety, dubiety(怀疑)

13)-faction, -facture, 表示"作成,……化,作用" satisfaction, manufacture

14)-hood, 表示"资格,身份, 年纪,状态" childhood, manhood, falsehood

15)-ice, 表示"行为,性质,状态" notice, justice, service

16)-ine, 表示"带有抽象概念" medicine, discipline, famine

17)-ing, 表示"动作的过程,结果" building, writing, learning

18)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition, 表示"行为的过程,结果,状况" action, solution, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction

19)-ise, 表示"性质,状态” exercise, merchandise(商业)

20)-ism, 表示"制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为" socialism, criticism, colloquialism, heroism

21)-ity, 表示"性质,状态,程度” purity, reality, ability, calamity

22)-ment, 表示"行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果 treatment, movement, judgment, punishment, argument

23)-mony, 表示"动作的结果,状态" ceremony, testimony

24)-ness, 表示"性质,状态,程度" goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness

25)-or, -our, 表示"动作,性质,状态" for, error,

26)-osity, 表示"动作,状态” curiosity

27)-ship, 表示"情况,性质,技巧,技能及身份,职业” hardship, membership, friendship

28)-th, 表示"动作,性质,过程,状态" depth, wealth, truth, length, growth

29)-tude, 表示"性质,状态,程度" latitude, altitude(海拔)

30)-ure, 表示"行为,结果" exposure, pressure, failure, procedure(手续),

31)-y, 表示"行为的结果,状态,性质” glory, history, victory, inquiry

(3) 带有场所,地方的含义

1)-age, 表示"住所,地点" village, cottage

2)-ary, 表示"住所,场地" library, granary (谷仓)

3)-ery, ry, 表示"工作场所,饲养所,地点" laundry, nursery, surgery(手术室)

4)-ory, 表示"工作场所,住处" factory, dormitory, laboratory, observatory

(4) 带有学术,科技含义

1)-grapy, 表示"……学,写法” biography, calligraphy, geography

2)-ic, ics, 表示"……学……法" logic, mechanics, optics, electronics

3)-ology, 表示"……学……论”biology, zoology, technology(工艺学)

4)-nomy, 表示"……学……术" astronomy, economy, bionomy(生态学)

5)-ery, 表示"学科,技术" chemistry, cookery, machinery

6)-y, 表示"……学,术,法” photography, philosophy

(5) 表示人和事物的总和,集合含义

1)-age, baggage, tonnage

2)-dom, newspaperdom(新闻界)

3)-hood, neighbourhood, womanhood

4)-ery, calry, ministry(内阁)

5)-ure, legislature, judicature

(6) 表示物品和物质名称的含义

1)-ant, ent, solvent, constant

2)-al, signal, pictorial(画报)

3)ar, collar, pillar(石柱)

4)- er, boiler, computer, washer, cooker

5)-ery, drapery(绸缎)

6)-ing, clothing, matting,

7)-ment, instrument, equipment, attachment

(7) 表示“细小”的含义

1)-cle, particle,

2)-cule, molecule(分子)

3)-el, parcel

4)-en, chicken, maiden

5)-et, pocket, ticket

6)-etta, -ette, etto, cigarette, essayette(短文)

7)-kin, napkin

8)-ling, duckling,

9)-let, booklet

10)-y, baby, doggy

2. 形容词后缀


1)-able, -ible, movable, comfortable, licable, visible, responsible

2)-al, natural, additional, educational

3)-an, ane, urban, suburban, republican

4)-ant, -ent, distant, important, excellent

5)-ar, similar, popular, regular

6)-ary, military, voluntary

7)-ice, -atie, ical, politic, systematic, historic, physical,

8)-ine, masculine, feminine, marine

9)-ing, moving, touching, daring

10)-ish, foolish, bookish, selfish

11)-ive, active, impressive, decisive

12)-ory, satisfactory, compulsory

13)-il, -ile, -eel, fragile, genteel(文雅的)

(2) 表示“相象,类似”的含义

1)-ish, boyish, childish

2)-esque, picturesque

3)-like, manlike, childlike

4)-ly, manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly

5)-some, troublesome, handsome

6)-y, milky, pasty

(3) 表示“充分的”含义

1)-ful, beautiful, wonderful, helpful, truthful

2)-ous, dangerous, generous, courageous, various

3)-ent, violent,

(4) 表示由某种物质形成,制成或生产的含义

1)-en, wooden, golden, woolen

2)-ous, gaseous

3)-fic, scientific

(5) 表示方向的含义

1)-ern, eastern, western

2)-ward, downward, forward

(6) 表示“倍数”的含义

1)-ble, double, treble

2)ple, triple

3)-fold, twofold, tenfold

(7) 表示“数量关系”的含义

1)-, thir

2)-ty, fifty

3)-th, fourth, fiftieth

(8) 表示国籍,语种,宗教的含义

1)-an, Roman, European

2)-ese, Chinese,

3)-ish, English, Spanish

(9) 表示“比较程度”的含义

1)-er, greater

2)-ish, reddish, yellowish

3)-est, highest

4)-most, foremost, topmost


-less, 表示否定,countless, stainless, wireless

3. 动词后缀

1)-ize, ise, 表示"做成,变成,……化“modernize, mechanize, democratize, organize

2)-en, 表示"使成为,引起,使有” quicken, weaken, soften, harden

3)-fy, 表示"使……化, 使成”beautify, purify, intensify, signify, simplify

4)-ish, 表示"使,令” finish, abolish, diminish, establish

5)-ate, 表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate

4. 副词后缀

1)-ly, possibly, swiftly, simply

2)-ward, -wards, downward, inwards, upward

3)-ways, always, sideways

4)-wise, otherwise, clockwise <!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_245302-->


自改革开放以来,我国对外交流逐渐密切,因此社会各界对于英语的重视程度也与日俱增,在大学阶段的英语教学过程中对于基础知识和语法使用的内容比例大范围下降,而增加了 实用英语 的内容。下面是我带来的心灵鸡汤英语小 故事 阅读,欢迎阅读!


 Flotsam, Jetsam, and Liberty

 By James Carey

 Perhaps more than anything else in the world, I believe in liberty: liberty for myself, liberty for my fellow men. I cannot forget the legend engred on the base of the Statue of Liberty on Bedlows Island in New York Harbor: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. That is the voice of America.

 As one small part of it, one tiny decibel in its sound, I, as a free individual of America, believe in it. It makes no boast of noble ancestry. On the contrary, it admits honestly that each of us in this country, with a possible and qualified exception of our native Indians, is a displaced person. In a particular kind of way, the Indian was our first displaced person. If you and I did not come from abroad ourselves, our forefathers did. The scores that drove them was economic, political, or religious oppression.

 Oppression has always strewn the shores of life with wretched human refuse. We who today are the proud people of a proud country are what might be called the reclaimed refuse of other lands. The fact that the flotsam and the jetsam, the persecuted and the pursued of all these other lands, the fact that they came here and, for the most part, successfully started life anew, this renews my faith in the resilience of a human individual and the dignity of man.

 There are those who say we should be content with the material benefits we he accrued among ourselves. I cannot accept that for myself. A laboring man needs bread and butter, and cash to pay the rent. But he would be a poor individual, indeed, if he were not able to furnish the vestibule of his mind and his soul with spiritual embellishments beyond the price of a union contract.

 I mean by this that I believe it is important for a man to discover, whether he is an electrical worker or an executive, that he is an individual with his own resources and a sense of the dignity of his own person and that of other men. We are separate. We are collective. Man can be strong alone but not indomitable, in isolation. He has to belong to something, to realize he is not created separately or apart from the rest of mankind, whether he is an American or a Mohammedan.

 I am stirred by the abundance of the fields, the forest, the streams, and the natural resources they hold. But do these things make me important? He we wrought the miracle of America because of these riches we hold? I say, no. Our strength?and I can say my strength, too, because I am a part of this whole?lies in a fundamental belief in the validity of human rights. And I believe that a man who holds these rights in proper esteem is greater, whether he is recognized or not.

 As an individual, I must face the future with honesty and faith, in the goods things that he made us mighty. I must he confidence in myself, in others, and all men of goodwill everywhere, for freedom is the child of truth and confidence.


 Dreams Are the Stuff Life Is Made Of

 By Carroll Carroll

 I believe I am a very lucky man.

 My entire life has been lived in the healthy area between too little and too much. I?ve never experienced financial or emotional insecurity, but everything I he, I?ve attained by my own work, not through indulgence, inheritance, or privilege.

 Never hing lived by the abuses of any extreme, I?ve always felt that a workman is worthy of his hire, a merchant entitled to his profit, an artist to his reward.

 As a result of all this, my bargaining bump may be a little underdeveloped, so I?ve never tried to oversell myself. And though I may work for less than I know I can get, I find that because of this, I?m never so afraid of losing a job that I?m forced to compromise with my principles.

 Naturally in a life as mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially fortunate as mine has been, a great many people he helped me. A few meant to, most did so by accident. I still feel I must reciprocate. This doesn?t mean that I?ve dedicated my life to my fellow man. I?m not the type. But I do feel I should help those I?m qualified to help, just as I?ve been helped by others.

 What I?m saying now is, I feel, part of that pattern. I think everyone should, for his own sake, try to reduce to six hundred words the beliefs by which he lives?it?s not easy?and then compare those beliefs with what he enjoys?not in real estate and money and goods, but in love, health, hiness, and laughter.

 I don?t believe we live our lives and then receive our reward or punishment in some afterlife. The life and the reward?the life and the punishment?these to me are one. This is my religion, coupled with a firm belief that there is a Supreme Being who planned this world and runs it so that ?no man is an island, entire of himself? The dishonesty of any one man subverts all honesty. The lack of ethics anywhere adulterates the whole world?s ethical content. In these?honesty and ethics?are, I think, the true spiritual values.

 I believe the hope for a thoroughly honest and ethical society should never be laughed at. The most idealistic dreams he repeatedly forecast the future. Most of the things we think of today as hard, practical, and even indispensable were once merely dreams.

 So I like to hope that the world need not be a dog-eat-dog jungle. I don?t think I?m my brother?s keeper. But I do think I?m obligated to be his helper. And that he has the same obligation to me.

 In the last analysis, the entire pattern of my life and belief can be found in the words ?do NOT do unto others that which you would NOT he others do unto you.? To say ?Do unto others as you would he others DO unto you? somehow implies bargaining, an offer of for for for. But to restrain from acts which you, yourself, would abhor is an exercise in will power that must raise the level of human relationship.

 ?What is unpleasant to thyself,? says Hillel, ?THAT do NOT unto thy neighbor. This is the whole law,? and he concluded, ?All else is exposition.?


 A Ball to Roll Around

 By Robert Allman

 I lost my sight when I was 4 years old by falling off a boxcar in a freight yard in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and landing on my head. Now, I am 32. I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is. It would be wonderful to see again. But a calamity can do strange things to people.

 It occurred to me the other day that I might not he come to love life so, as I do, if I hadn?t been blind. I believe in life now. I am not so sure that I would he believed in it so deeply, otherwise. I don?t mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me more reciate what I had left.

 Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more meaningful his own private world becomes. The adjustment is never easy. I was bewildered and afraid, but I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw something in me?oh, a potential to live you might call it?which I didn?t see. And they made me want to fight it out with blindness.

 The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was basic. If I hadn?t been able to do that, I would he collapsed and become a chair rocker on the front porch for the rest of my life. When I say believe in myself, I am not talking about simply the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is part of it, but I mean something bigger than that: an assurance that I am, despite imperfections, a real, positive person; that somewhere in the sweeping, intricate, pattern of people, there is a special place where I can make myself fit. It took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance. It had to start with the most elementary things.

 When I was a youngster, once a man ge me an indoor baseball. I thought he was mocking me, and I was hurt.

 ?I can?t use this,? I said.

 ?Take it with you, ? he urged me, ?and roll it around.?

 The words stuck in my head: ?Roll it around, roll it around.? By rolling the ball, I could listen where it went. This ge me an idea?how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible: playing baseball. At Philadelphia?s Overbrook School for the Blind, I invented a successful variation of baseball. We called it groundball.

 All my life, I he set ahead of me a series of goals, and then tried to reach them one at a time. I had to learn my limitations. It was no good to try for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach, because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway, but on the erage, I made progress.

 I believe I made progress more readily because of a pattern of life shaped by certain values. I find it easier to live with myself if I try to be honest. I find strength in the friendship and interdependence of people. I would be blind, indeed, without my sighted friends. And very humbly, I say that I he found purpose and comfort in a mortal?s ambition toward godliness.

 Perhaps a man without sight is blinded less by the importance of material things than other men are. All I know is that a belief in the higher existence of a nobility for men to strive for has been an inspiration that has helped me more than anything else to hold my life together.






 根据这条规则,我们不会把mother, some, come,dove,done等单词中的o写成u。再举一个元音字母组合的例子。ay读[ei]。中学教材中所有带有ay字母组合的词,如say,day,way,pay,ray,may,lay,play,spray,不仅发音容易,而且拼写也没有任何困难。当然,英语发音规则很多,又有许多例外情况,要记住它们并不容易。但是为了帮助记单词,花些时间,记住一些常用发音规则还是很有用的。





 当然,可能刚开始时能建立联系的单词很少,但要注意培养这种意识,争取一串串地背单词 看见一个就能想起一串。比如:同义的,反义的,形近的,同根的,同类的单词防在一块儿记。


 大家在背单词时,在书上将不忍市的词用特殊的记号标出,这样,将主要精力集中于 不认识的词,可以大大节省时间,缓解压力。


 背单词不是看,应该找一个安静的地方,抛开一切杂念。译本书,一叠纸,一张嘴,脑中 想着这个单词,眼里看着它,嘴里念着它,用笔在纸上写着这个单词,这样才能加强对这个原来根本不认识的单词的印象, 去得好的记忆效果。


 背单词的时候是不是要把单词的所有的意思和用法都记得很请清楚楚呢?回答是否定的对大多数单词,只要知道它的大概意思就可以了,就不会对阅读和做题产生影响。只有极少数的核心词汇,才需要不仅了解它的意思, 还要了解它的用法。


 笔者本人的单词在两万左右,基本上每周都拿出一个半天将其中的一些单词背一遍,有的单词确实有些 模糊了,将它在加强一下,笔者并不感到负担,相反觉得很有意思。


 candidate 候选人 这样拆分记忆can did ate ?能?(can)"做"(do的过去式)能?吃?(eat的过去式)的人,才能当?候选人?(联想到现实中的选举,多好记啊:能做能吃的人就能当侯选人。我可以肯定你一辈子都能记住这个单词)。

 umbrella n.伞,雨伞。谐音为俺们不来了这样来记忆:?下雨了,没带伞,俺们不来了?

 tangle vt.使缠结,使纠缠 探戈跳探戈时,男男女女纠缠在一起(联想一下舞厅里男男女女跳探戈的情形,你就能永远记住这个单词,不信试试)

 smother 使窒息 想像一个场景:一条?蛇?(s)缠住了?妈妈?(mother),使妈妈?窒息?


 change 改变。 用汉语拼音联想chang e(嫦娥) 编一个故事:?嫦娥?改变?了对八戒的看法,同意与他结婚了。 (这样与典故结合起来的奇异的故事使你再也不会忘记这个单词了)

 perfume n.香水;v.使香 每次(per)去福建(fu)我(me)都要买香水(想象一下在福建有个情人,我每次去都要给她买香水) 。

 zoom vi.飞驰;(价格等)急剧上升 可以这记:急剧上升200m (200M就是zoom 象不象啊?)还能这样记:祖母(注目)瞩目物价急剧上涨 ....college n.大学,学院 靠立志你要想上大学,首先得靠立志。(这上很好记)

 adulterate v.掺杂,a.掺的 成年人(adult)让儿子(er)吃掉(ate)掺的东西

 ?虚?一词 mendacity 可以这样来想: 男人们(men)到大(da)城市(city)就会变得虚(想想城市里那些风流男人的所作所为,这个单词就会远刻在你的脑海里了)

 beautiful a.美丽的,美好的 比优体妇 比优体妇当然美丽了

 gentle a.温柔的;文雅的;柔和的;高尚的 枕头枕头是温柔的 (想象一下抱着温柔的枕头睡觉)

 lung n.肺 谐音为狼 这样记就行了:狼心狗肺(很简单吧)

















jiǎ 1. 不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。

2. 借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。

3. 〔~名〕日本文所用的字母,多借用汉字的偏旁。楷书称“片~~”,草书称“平~~”。

4. 据理推断,有待验证的:~设。~使。~令。~如。~若。


1. 案 jiǎ’àn

[false case;case in which sb. has been framed] 为诬陷人而虚构的案件

2. 扮 jiǎbàn

[impersonate;act the part of;disguise oneself as;dress up as;go in disguise] 装扮成跟本人的面貌、身分不同的人而使人错认;化装

3. 报告 jiǎbàogào

[false return] 不正确的报告


4. 充 jiǎchōng

[pretend to be;pose as] 冒;冒充


5. 大空 jiǎdàkōng

[empty words] 指话、大话、空话


6. 道 jiǎdào

[via;by way of] 经由;取道

7. 定 jiǎdìng

(1) [hypothesis]∶见“ 2 设”


(2) [presume;assume]∶见“ 1 设”


8. 而 jiǎ’ér

[if] 如,如果

而以仆年先吾子。——唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》

9. 发 jiǎfà

(1) [wig;toupee]∶供秃头或头发稀少的人作头饰戴用,或作为戏装、官员或专业人员装束或时髦装饰的一部分


(2) [falsefront]∶在前额发型轮廓上作成前流海或卷发的发

(3) [transformation]∶特指妇女戴的用以代替或补充天然头发的

(4) [periwig]∶戴发或提供发或好像提供发

(5) [ramillie,ramilie]∶18世纪流行的头发,带有一条黑色辫子,上下两端用蝴蝶结系扎

(6) [switch]∶许多剪下来的长发,一端固定在一起,装在使用者自己的头发上以构成某种发型


10. 分数 jiǎfēnshù

[improper fraction] 分母子小或与分子相等的分数

11. 拱 jiǎgǒng

(1) [blind arch]∶一种不穿入结构、只用作装饰以使房屋的一面与另一有真正拱形孔洞的面相协调的封闭拱

(2) [false arch]∶形象似拱而实际并非拱结构的构件

12. 话 jiǎhuà

(1) [lie]∶不真实的话


(2) [misstatement]∶不真实的或不正确的话语或说法

13. 货 jiǎhuò

[simulacrum] 为欺骗顾客而制造的仿造品


14. 借 jiǎjiè

(1) [make use of]∶利用某种名义、力量等来达到目的

借于藏书之家。——明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》


(2) [phonetic loan characters]∶六书之一。指借用已有的形近、音同的字,表示不同意义的词


(3) 又如借水名的“油”作“油脂”的“油”

(4) [tolerate]∶容忍

(5) [acting county magistrate]∶宽容


15. 吏 jiǎlì

[acting magistrate] 临时代理职务的官吏


16. 令 jiǎlìng

(1) [if]∶设,如果

令有取。——唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》

(2) [acting county magistrate]∶临时代理县令

17. 冒 jiǎmào

(1) [sham;palm off a fake as genuine]∶以充真


(2) [adulterate]∶冒用其它商品牌名


(3) [personate]∶冒充


18. 寐 jiǎmèi




19. 面 jiǎmiàn

[mask] 面具

20. 面具 jiǎmiànjù

(1) [mask;false front]

(2) 仿照各种形象制造的面具,用于演戏、化装或作为玩具

(3) 现在常用来比喻虚伪的外表


21. 名 jiǎmíng

(1) [kana]∶日语的字母,多借用汉字的偏旁。楷书叫“片名”,草书叫“平名”

(2) [cover name;pseudonym]∶伪装的名字


22. 仁义 jiǎrén-jiǎyì

[to be a wolf in sheep’s skin;hypocrisy;don a pious mask;pass the bottle of smoke;pretended sham benevolence and righteousness;pretend to be the paragon of virtue] 内心奸恶,作仁义;内心毫不同情,表面装作关切

23. 如 jiǎrú

[if;suppose;in case;in the event that] 使,如果


24. 若 jiǎruò

[provided;suppose;in case;in the event that] 如


25. 嗓子 jiǎsǎngzi

[falsetto] 非天然嗓子,唱歌或唱戏时用

26. 山 jiǎshān

[rockery;rock garden;artificial hill] 园林中用石头堆砌而成以供欣赏的小山

27. 善人 jiǎshànrén

[bleeding heart] 显出对受迫害者似乎非常关心的人

28. 设 jiǎshè

[suppose;presume] 暂时认为


29. 设 jiǎshè

[hypothesis] 科学研究中根据事实提出的定说明,必须经过实践证明才能成为理论

30. 使 jiǎshǐ

[if;suppose;in case;in the event that] 提出一种设,相当于“如果”、“如”


31. 释 jiǎshì

[parole;conditional release;release on probation] 由于表现好或其他原因而提前释放,若从释放到刑满期间内不再犯罪,可认为期己满,否则两罪合并执行

32. 手 jiǎshǒu

[do sth. through sb. else;do by proxy] 为了某种目的而利用别人为自己做事

天祸许国,鬼神实不逞于 许君,而拜寡人。——《左传·隐公十一年》

33. 说 jiǎshuō

(1) [hypothesis]∶见“ 2 设”


(2) [if]∶使;纵使

34. 死 jiǎsǐ

(1) [thanatosis;suspended animation;asphyxia]∶其状态的某些方面像休克,特点是所有自主性活动停止,看上去认为是死的姿态

(2) [play dead;feign death]∶动物为保护自己,在遇强敌时装死

35. 托 jiǎtuō

(1) [on the pretext of]∶借故推托


(2) [under sb.else’s name]∶冒名顶替

(3) [by means of]∶借;凭借


36. 戏真唱 jiǎxì-zhēnchàng

[what was make believe has become reality;play the morbid charade] 弄成真。又作“戏真做”

37. 想 jiǎxiǎng

[imagination;supposition;hypothesis] 设;想象出来的

38. 象 jiǎxiàng

[phantasm;facade;misleading earance] 不符合事物本质的表面现象。也作“相”


39. 牙 jiǎyá

[denture;false teeth] 人造的牙齿替代物,可用于代替自然牙齿中的一个、数个以至全部;尤指不是永久固定在嘴里的人造牙

40. 意 jiǎyì

(1) [unction;hypocrisy;insincerity]∶虚伪的心意


(2) [pretend;put on]∶装出某个动作


41. 造 jiǎzào

(1) [false;counterfeit;forge]∶以的冒充真的

(2) [fabricate;invent]∶制事实


42. 招子 jiǎzhāozi

[put on airs] 故意做出某种像真的姿态


43. 肢 jiǎzhī

[replacementdemand;artificial limb] 身体失去的或截除的某一部分的人工替代物

44. 装 jiǎzhuāng

[pretend;disguise;dissimulate;feign;make believe;make to believe] 故意装出某种动作或姿态,以掩盖真相


jià . 常用词组1. 期 jiàqī

[period of lee;holiday;vacation] 休或放的时期



2. 日 jiàrì

[holiday] 期,或指休的日子

3. 条 jiàtiáo

[lication for lee;lee permit] 写明原因和请时间的条子,即请条

xiá 尔攸仰



a(an) 一(个、件。。。) abandon 抛弃,放弃 ▲ability 能力,才能

able 有能力的,能干的 be able to 能,会

abnormal 反常的,变态的 aboard 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、


abolish 废除,取消 abortion 流产;()夭折 about 大约;到处,四处 above 在。。。之上,上面的,在上面 abroad


abrupt 突然的,意外的;粗鲁的,无礼的 absence 不在,缺席 absent


absolute 绝对的;完全的 注意:副词拼写为absolutely

absorb 吸收;吸引

abstract 抽象的;深奥的 概要 absurd 荒谬的,不合理的 abundant 丰富的,充裕的 abuse 滥用,虐待

academic 学院的,理论的 大学教师 academy 专科院校;研究院,学院 accelerate加速;促进 ▲accent 口音,音调 ▲accept 接受

access 通路,入门 接近;存取 accessible易接近的,可到达的 ▲accident 事故,意外的事 accommodation 膳食供应;适应 accompany 陪伴,伴随;伴奏 accomplish


account 账目,描述

accountant 会计员(师) accumulate 积蓄;堆积,增加 accuracy 精确性,精确度 accurate 正确的,精确的 accuse 控告,谴责

accustomed 通常的,习惯的 ache 痛,疼痛

achieve 达到,取得 ▲achievement 成就,功绩 acid 酸的,讽刺的,刻薄的 acknowledge 承认,致谢 acquaintance 相识,熟人 acquire 获得,学到

acquisition 获得(物) acre 英亩

across 横过,穿过

act 法令,条例 (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出,行动,做事 ▲action 行动 active


▲activity 活动

actor男演员 actress 女演员



acute 敏锐的,尖锐的,急性的 AD 公元 ad 广告

adapt 使适应;改编 adaptation 适应,改编 add 添加,增加

addicted 沉迷于某种嗜好的 addition 增加;加 ▲address 地址

adequate 适当的,足够的 adjust 调整,使适合 adjustment


administration 管理,经营,行政部门 admirable令人钦佩的,绝妙的 admire 钦佩,羡慕

▲admission 准入,接纳

▲admit 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)

adolescence 青春期 adolescent 青少年 adopt 用;收养 adore




advance 推进,促进,前进 前进,提升

▲advantage 优点;好处

adventure 冒险;奇遇 advertise 为。。。做广告 ▲advertisement 广告

▲advice 忠告,劝告,建议

advise 忠告,劝告,建议

advocate 提倡,鼓吹 affair 事,事情

affect 影响

affection 爱,爱慕,影响,疾病

afford 负担得起(。。。的费用);抽得出(时间);提供

afraid 害怕的;担心 ▲Africa 非洲

▲African 非洲的,非洲人的

after 在后,后来 在。。。之后,在。。。后面 afternoon 下午,午后 afterward 后来 again


against 对着,反对 age 年龄,时代

▲agency 代理(处),中介

agenda 议程

agent 代理(商)

aggressive 侵略的;咄咄逼人的 ago 以前

agree 同意;应允

▲agreement 同意,一致;协定,协议 agricultural 农业的

▲agriculture 农业,农学

ahead 在前,向前

aid 援助;救护;器具,帮助 AIDS 艾滋病

aim 目的,目标 ,打算;瞄准,针对 air 空气;大气 aircraft 飞机

airline 航空公司,航空系统 airmail 航空邮件 airplane


▲airport 航空站,飞机场

airspace 空间,领空 alarm 警报 警告



alcohol 酒精,酒 alcoholic 含酒精的 酒鬼 algebra 代数 alike 相同的,相似的 alive 活着的,存在的

all 全部地 全部 所有的;总;整 全部;全体人员

allergic 过敏的;变态的 alley 巷,小径

allocate 分配,分派

▲allow 允许,准许

allowance 津贴,补助;允许 almost 几乎,差不多

alone 单独的,孤独的 along 向前,和。。。一起,一同 沿着;顺着 alongside 在旁边 aloud 大声地 alphabet 字母表 alredy 已经 also 也 alternative


although 虽然,尽管 altitude 高度,高处


aluminium 铝

always 总是;一直;永远 am be的人称形式之一 a.m./am 午前,上午 amateur 业余的

amaze 惊奇,惊叹;震惊 ▲amazing 令人惊讶的





ambiguous 暧昧的,不明确的 ambition 抱负,雄心 ambulance 救护车 among 在。。。中间;在(三个以上)之间 amount 数量 总计,数量 ample 充足的,丰富的

amuse (使人)快乐,逗乐 ▲amusement

analyse/analyze 分析,分解 analysis 分析,分解 ancestor 祖宗;祖先 anchor 抛锚 锚

▲ancient 古代的,古老的 and 和;又;而 anecdote 轶事,奇闻 anger 怒,愤怒 angle 角

angry 生气的,愤怒的 ▲animal 动物


anniversary 周年纪念 ▲announce


annoy (使)烦恼

annual 每年的,一年一次的 another 再一;另一;别的,不同的 另一个

answer 回答,答复;回信;答案 回答,答复;回信;做出答案 ant 蚂蚁

Antarctic 南极的 antique 古董

anxiety 忧虑,焦急

anxious 忧虑的,焦急的

any 无论哪一个,任何 任何的,所有的 anybody 任何人,无论谁 anyhow 不管怎样

anyone 任何人,无论谁 anything 什么事(物);任何事(物) anyway 不管怎样 anywhere 任何地方

apart分别地,分离着 分开的

▲apartment 楼中单元房,一套房间;房间

▲apologize 道歉,谢罪 ▲apology


arent 显然的 eal 呼吁,吸引 ear


▲earance 出现,露面;容貌

endix 附录,附属品;阑尾 etite 胃口,爱好

laud 鼓掌,喝彩;称赞 (lause)欢呼,喝

le 苹果

▲licant 申请者 ▲lication 申请 ▲ly 申请

oint 约定;任命,委任 ointment 约会

▲reciate 欣赏;感激 ▲reciation 感激;欣赏

roach 接近;方法 接近 ropriate 适当的

roval 赞成,批准,同意 rove 批准,赞成,同意 roximately 近似地,大约 apron 围裙

arbitrary 随心所欲的,专断的 arch 拱门,拱形 architect 建筑师

architecture 建筑,建筑学 Arctic 北极的 the Arctic 北极 are 见be

area 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围,领域 argue 争辩,争论

▲argument 争论,辩论 arise 起来,升起;出现

arithmetic 算术 arm 臂,支架;(美)武器,武力 以。。。装备,武装起来

armchair 扶手椅 army


around 在周围;在附近 在。。。周围;大约 arrange 安排,布置

▲arrangement 安排,布置

arrest 逮捕,拘留

▲arrival 到来,到达 ▲arrive 到达,达到

arrow 箭;箭头

art 艺术,美术;技艺

article 文章;东西,物品;冠词 artificial 人造的;虚伪的 ▲artist 艺术家

as 像。。。一样;如同;因为 作为,当做 ash 灰;灰末

ashamed 惭愧;害臊 ▲Asia 亚洲

▲Asian 亚洲的,亚洲人的 亚洲人

aside 在旁边

ask 问,询问;请求,要求;邀请 asleep 睡着的,熟睡 aspect 样子;方面 assess 评价,估价

assessment 评价,估价 assist 协助




associate 联系;交往

association 协会,联合 assume 定,设想;取 assumption 定;取 astonish 使惊讶

▲astronaut 宇航员 astromomer 天文学家 astronomy 天文学

at 在(几点钟);在某处 ▲athlete 运动员 athletic 田径的 Atlantic 大西洋的

▲the Atlantic Ocean


atmosphere 大气;气氛 atom原子,微粒

attach 配属,隶属于 attack 攻击,袭击 attain


attempt 试图,尝试

attend 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加



▲attitude 态度,看法

attract 吸引,引起

▲attraction 吸引,吸引力



audience 观众,听众

▲aunt 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 authentic 真的,可信的

▲author 作者,作家

authority 官方,当局;权力,权威 automatic 自动的

autonomous 自治的

▲autumn 秋天,秋季

ailable 可能的,可用的 enue 大道

erage 平均的;普通的 平均数 oid 避免,躲开,逃避 awake 唤醒 醒着的 award 奖品,奖励

aware 知道的,明白的 away


awesome 可怕的,使人敬畏的

awful 可怕的,尊严的 糟糕的 awkward 笨拙的;棘手的,难处理

ac- == at; to,

或表示加强意义,accustom 使习惯,account 计算,算帐,accredit 信任,accompany 陪伴,acclaim 欢呼,喝彩,accomplish 完成。












