5.英语竞赛 急!
或者,你自己上 yahoo组合 搜Consumer,rights,activists,China
What the Chinese WantConsumers in China are increasingly modern in their tastes, but they are not becoming 'Western.' How the selling of coffee, cars and pizza sheds light on a nation racing toward superpower status.
Understanding China's consumer culture is a good starting point for understanding the nation itself, as it races toward superpower status. Though the country's economy and society are evolving rapidly, the underlying cultural blueprint has remained more or less constant for thousands of years. China is a Confucian society, a quixotic combination of top-down patriarchy and bottom-up social mobility. Citizens are driven by an ever-present conflict between standing out and fitting in, between ambition and regimentation. In Chinese society, individuals he no identity apart from obligations to, and acknowledgment by, others. The clan and nation are the eternal pillars of identity. Western individualism—the idea of defining oneself independent of society—doesn't exist.
The speed with which China's citizens he embraced all things digital is one sign that things are in motion in the country. But e-commerce, which has changed the balance of power between retailers and consumers, didn't take off until the Chinese need for reassurance was satisfied. Even when transactions are arranged online, most purchases are completed in person, with shoppers examining the product and handing over their cash offline.
The American dream—wealth that culminates in freedom—is intoxicating for the Chinese. But whereas Americans dream of "independence," Chinese cre "control" of their own destiny and command over the vagaries of daily life. Material similarities between Chinese and Americans mask fundamentally different emotional impulses. If Western brands can learn to meet China's worldview on its own terms, perhaps the West as a whole can too.
Consumer rights ‘professionals’
Officials from the local industry and commerce bureau show students at Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, how to spot fake luxury bags, a day ahead of World Consumer Rights Day on March 15.
Courts he reported a sharp increase in customer protection cases brought by “professional” consumer rights activists.
In the past five years, almost half of the 661 cases concerning disputes over business contracts and product quality were instituted by familiar faces known for their campaigns against fake and shoddy goods, statistics from Shanghai’s Huangpu District People’s Court showed
“Consumers trust them to institute legal proceedings after they find their rights he been infringed,” said Jin Minzhen, vice-president of the court. “Sometimes these ‘professionals’ buy products, which they know perfectly well are defective, and sue the retailers to claim compensation.”
Last year more than 40 percent of cases in Chongqing involved a recognized consumer rights campaigner, according to Chongqing No 5 Intermediate People’s Court.
In a case in Shanghai in October, a seasoned fighter against fake products and services sued a restaurant on behalf of a newlywed couple. The restaurant falsely advertised itself as a banquet hall to a four-star hotel on its wedding menu, according to court records. The defendant was judged to he committed fraud, and the “professional” campaigner helped the couple oain their compensation.
But it is claimed some of these “professional” representatives are exploiting their services to make profit. According to the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers, consumers can receive 10 times the price of a product as compensation if it is found to be counterfeit.
These people don’t seek to resolve the dispute first, said Zhang Zengbao, secretary-general of the Consumer Rights Protection Commission of Shanghai’s Huangpu district. Instead, they go to businesses and make unreasonable demands.
“In January, a man asked for tens of thousands of yuan in compensation over a packet of food worth just a few yuan after finding faults with the product, and said he wouldn’t delete information about the product online until he was paid by the company,” said Zhang.
Some of these “professionals” buy goods, thought to be counterfeit, from stores in different parts of the city, and then institute legal proceedings in several district courts at the same time to achieve maximum compensation, he said.
“Consumers can report to us if they find any counterfeit or substandard product. The motivation should not be to make a fortune,” said Li Chunyan, a consumer protection official in Huangpu district.
But Xu Dajiang, who is famous in Guangzhou for his fight against fake products, said he is working in support of the official market watchdogs.
“I want to help more consumers to be aware of their rights and protect their interests, and to help suppress the manufacture and selling of fake goods,” said Xu, who set up a website on consumer rights protection four years ago.
Some lawyers say the actions of “professionals” should be encouraged as an important non-al force to deter counterfeiters.
“If the ‘professionals’ are forced out, people involved in counterfeiting will be more productive,” said Yi Shenghua, a Beijing lawyer from Yingke Law Firm.
“It’s reasonable to earn their living in this way, because they he to spend a lot of time and effort on investigation and evidence collection, and they he to be prepared to risk losing lawsuits.”
China Dailynominee是什么意思
nominee[ ,n?mi'ni: ]
n.a politician who is running for public office
The Director is awaiting the Board's affirmation of his nominee.
In fact, there has not been a nominee in several generations who has brought the depth of judicial experience to this job that she offers.
Nominee Under Fire
USGS Nominee Breaks Ground
Robert Thorne: Controversial Nominee for Energy R & D Job
Quantifying the Effects of the Provincial Nominee Programs
Lord Randall
by Anonymous
"Oh where ha'e ye been, Lord Randall my son?
O where ha'e ye been, my handsome young man?"
"I ha'e been to the wild wood: mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down."
"Where gat ye your dinner, Lord Randall my son?
Where gat ye your dinner, my handsome young man?"
"I dined wi' my true love; mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down."
"What gat ye to your dinner, Lord Randall my son?
What gat ye to your dinner, my handsome young man?"
"I gat eels boiled in broo: mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down."
"What became of your bloodhounds, Lord Randall my son?
What became of your bloodhounds, my handsome young man?"
"O they swelled and they died: mother, make my bed soon,
for I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down."
"O I fear ye are poisoned, Lord Randall my son!
O I fear ye are poisoned, my handsome young man!"
"O yes, I am poisoned: mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm sick at the heart, and I fain wald lie down."
有关世界著名英文诗歌篇2Late Self-Portrait by Rembrandtby Jane Hirshfield
The dog, dead for years, keeps coming back in the dream.
We look at each other there with the old joy.
It was always her gift to bring me into the present?
Which sleeps, changes, awakens, dresses, lees.
Hiness and unhiness
differ as a bucket hammered from gold differs from one of pressed tin,
this painting proposes.
Each carries the same water, it says
by Maxine Kumin
How pleasant the yellow butter
melting on white kernels, the meniscus
of red wine that coats the insides of our goblets
where we sit with sturdy friends as old as we are
after shucking the garden's last Silver Queen
and setting husks and stalks aside for the horses
the last two of our lives, still noble to look upon:
our first foal, now a bossy mare of 28
which calibrates to 84 in people years
and my chestnut gelding, not exactly a youngster
at 22. Every year, the end of summer
lazy and golden, invites grief and regret:
suddenly it's 1980, winter buffets us,
winds strike like cruelty out of Dickens. Somehow
we he seven horses for six stalls. One of them,
a big-nosed roan gelding, calm as a president's portrait
lives in the rectangle that leads to the stalls. We call it
the motel lobby. Wise old campaigner, he dunks his
hay in the water bucket to soften it, then visits the others
who hang their heads over their dutch doors. Sometimes
he sprawls out flat to nap in his commodious quarters.
That spring, in the bustle of grooming
and riding and shoeing, I remember I let him go
to a neighbor I thought was a friend, and the following
fall she sold him down the river. I meant to
but never did go looking for him, to buy him back
and now my old guilt is flooding this twilit table
my guilt is ghosting the candles that pale us to skeletons
the ones we must all become in an as yet unspecified order.
Oh Jack, tethered in what rough stall alone
did you remember that one good winter?
有关世界著名英文诗歌篇4Late Night Ode
by J. D. McClatchy
It's over, love. Look at me pushing fifty now,
Hair like gre-grass growing in both ears,
The piles and boggy prostate, the crooked penis,
The sour taste of each day's first lie,
And that recurrent dream of years ago pulling
A swaying bead-chain of moonlight,
Of slipping between the cool sheets of dark Along a body like my own, but blameless.
What good's my cut-glass conversation now,
Now I'm so effortlessly vulgar and sad?
You get from life what you can shake from it?
For me, it's g and t's all day and CNN.
Try the blond boychick lawyer, entry level
At eighty grand, who pouts about the overtime,
Keeps Evian and a beeper in his locker at the gym,
And hash in tinfoil under the office fern.
There's your hound from heen, with buccaneer
Curls and perfumed war-paint on his nipples.
His answering machine always has room for one more Slurred, embarrassed call from you-know-who.
Some nights I've laughed so hard the tears Won't stop. Look at me now. Why now?
I long ago ge up pretending to believe Anyone's memory will give as good as it gets.
So why these stubborn tears? And why do I dream
Almost every night of holding you again,
Or at least of diving after you, my long-gone,
Through the bruised unbalanced wes?
原文: The Environmental and Human Cost of Making a Pair of Jeans
Americans do love their denim, so much so that the erage consumer buys four pairs of jeans a year. In China's Xintang province, a hub for denim, 300 million pairs are made annually. Just as staggering is the brew of toxic chemicals and hundreds of gallons of water it takes to dye and finish one pair of jeans. The resulting environmental damage to rivers, ecosystems and communities in China, Bangladesh and India is the subject of a new documentary called The RiverBlue: Can Fashion Se the Planet?.
美国人对于牛仔裤的喜爱是世界公认的,每年平均每个美国消费者会购买4条牛仔裤。在牛仔面料之乡,中国广东新塘镇(英文原文写的是“新塘省”,错误),每年有3亿条牛仔裤在那里诞生。与这一产量数字同样惊人的还有染制一条牛仔裤所需要的有毒化学制品以及数百 加仑 的水。牛仔生产对于中国、孟加拉、印度的环境造成破坏,影响着这些国家的河流、生态系统以及人类社区,新纪录片 “ 蓝色河流: 时尚能够拯救地球吗 ?” 就取材于此。
It is estimated that 70 percent of Asia's rivers and lakes are contaminated by the 2.5 billion gallons of wastewater produced by that continent's textile industry. In scene after scene in the film, the dark frothy spill off can be seen rushing out of dye facilities while a cadre of scientists and environmental experts detail the public health crisis that has resulted from the largely unregulated manufacturing process.
Co-directed by award-winning documentarians Did McIlvride and Roger Williams and produced by Lisa Mazzotta,? RiverBlue ?has won 13 awards globally including Best Documentary at Raindance in London and will be receiving the Green Drop Award from? Filmambiente ?at the World Water council on World Water day, March 22. Three years in the making, the film follows internationally celebrated river conservationist, Mark Angelo, as he paddles the rivers devastated by the chemical waste and the local communities who rely on these rivers for drinking and bathing. These communities suffer from a high incidence of cancers, gastric, skin and related issues afflicting both their residents and factory laborers.
该纪录片由多次获奖的专业纪录片导演Did McIlvride和Roger Williams共同执导,Lisa Mazzotta女士担当制片,(截止本文发布时)已经在全球获得了13个奖项,包括伦敦Raindance的“最佳纪录片奖”,并且将在3月22日“世界水日”获得由? Filmambiente ?颁发的“绿色水滴环保**奖”。在录制“蓝色河流”的三年时间里,剧组跟随世界著名的河流保护者Mark Angelo先生,一起划船到那些被化学废品污染的河流上实地取景,那些河流是当地居民的饮用水和清洁用水水源,水污染直接导致了当地人群癌症、胃病、皮肤病和其他疾病的高发病率,当地居民和工厂工人苦不堪言。
The Chemicals in Your Jeans(藏在你牛仔裤中的化学品)
What makes the process of making jeans so poisonous to people and planet? Consider just one of the most popular types of jeans today—distressed. To get that "lived in" look, denim is subjected to several chemical-intensive washes. Campaigners from the environmental group Greenpeace, who tested the outflows near dyeing and finishing facilities in the top denim producing towns in Asia, found five hey metals (cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead and copper) in 17 out of 21 water and sediment samples taken from throughout Xintang one of the locales featured in the project. Toxic campaigners in China also discovered hey metals like manganese, which can be associated with brain damage, in the rivers.
These chemicals don't stay put. They can also be transported to our North American oceans, atmosphere and food chains and accumulates in places far away from their original source.
Where Should the Change Be?(从何处着手改变这种现状呢?)
The question the film poses to viewers: Are brand-name clothing corporations disregarding the environment in their zeal to make their clothes faster and cheaper for the consumer? "Low cost clothing has a high cost attached to it, one to the environment and public health," explains Angelo.
The solution the film's producers unveil is two-fold: through innovation and consumer education there can be change.
Director Did McIlvride was determined to find brands making jeans which didn't do damage to the environment. He found the father of distressed jeans: Francois Girbaud who introduced the eponymous stone washed jean decades ago. "It took 40 yrs. before we realized what we made and what we did was wrong," says Girbaud of using permanganate in the 10s. "If people knew that the spraying of permanganate on your jeans to give you that acid- wash look was killing the guy doing the spraying, would you still want that look? I don't think the customer is aware of what is hening abroad. We he to change the process of making jeans and brands he to be willing to invest because we are destroying the planet," says Girbaud.
导演Did McIlvride决心要找到一些不对环境造成损害的牛仔服饰生产品牌。他找到了被称为“做旧牛仔”之父的 Francois Girbaud,此人在几十年前打开了与“做旧牛仔”齐名的“石洗牛仔”的市场。对于在20世纪70年代牛仔布生产制造行业使用高锰酸盐的做法,Girbaud说:“40年后我们才意识到一直以来我们的产品和我们的做法都是个错误。为了在牛仔裤上制造做旧效果,工人需要往裤子上喷洒高锰酸钾。如果消费者知道喷洒高锰酸钾会对工人有致命的影响,他们还会喜欢做旧牛仔吗?我觉得消费者根本就不知道生产一条牛仔裤的代价。我们必须改变牛仔服生产工艺,品牌商也必须要舍得花钱,因为我们正在一步步毁灭我们的星球”。
英语竞赛 急!
Russian gay rights activists were joined by campaigners from America and Europe in what has become an annual event.
这里的what 引导的是什么从句或者解释一下句子的结构?
答:这是一个被动语态的句子。主语是:Russian gay rights activists
谓语:were joined
状语:by campaigners
定语:from America and Eruope
状语:in +名词性从句,表示在。。。中。
主语:what 相当于名词+that- 定语从句。
系动词 has become
表语:an annual event
2013 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛
听力部分(共三大题,计 3园 分)
I. Responses(句子应答)(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)
II. Dialogues(对话理解)(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
A) 6—10 BCDBB
B) 11—15 CADCA
III. Passages(短文理解)(共 10 小题;16—20 小题每小题 1 分,21—25 小题每小题 2 分,计 15 分)
A) 16—20 BACAB
B) 21. different 22. quality 23. (very) easy 24. excellent stories 25. sports pages
笔试部分(共七大题,计 120 分)
I援 Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)
26—30 CABCD 31—35 CBCBA 36—40 BCADD
II援 Cloze(完形填空)(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)
A) 41. highest 42. preparing 43. challenge 44. simply 45. minutes
B) 46. daily 47. campaigner 48. conversation 49. listening 50. aged 51. worse 52. and 53. discussions 54. of
55. together
III. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)(共 20 小题;56—60 小题每小题 1 分,61—75 小题每小题 2 分,
计 35 分)
A) 56. A 57. C 58. D 59. T 60. F
B) 61—65 EBFDG
C) 66. Biology students.
67. To test their interest in the cause.
68. 0721 342999.
69. Elderly and disabled people.
70. In the countryside.
D) 71. World War II 72. married / got married to 73. husband 74. environmental and social 75. charities
IV. Translation(翻译)(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)
76. 你可以考虑别人的建议/劝告和观点,但是不要让他们的意见淹没了你内心的想法。
77. 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你一定可以改进,那就是你自己。
- 11 -78. Our En glish teacher treats us as if we were her own children, so all the students in our class think
highly of her.
79. Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, but sometimes our actions don蒺t correspond with what we
80. This brief article will let you know why you he bad habits as well as how you can break those bad
V. Error Correction(短文改错)(共 10 处错误;每处错误 1 分,计 10 分)
The Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships are held every year in Finland, the birthplace of the first
mobile phone. When the championships first took the place in 2000 there were only 30 compes, but now the
championship attract well over 100 people from around the world. All of them are angry about one of the past
century蒺s most influential invention.
The competition is dividing into two sections, contested by teams and individuals. The original category is
judged simple on length of throw, but in the freestyle event compes win on points awarded for notable
performances during the run -up. Though some compes use their own handsets, but most take the mobile
phones from a large range of second-hand phones which are supplied by the organizers.
The competition is founded by local businesswoman Christina Lund.“I saw that all of us he very different
emotions about their mobiles: much of the time they cause tension and frustration to us, especially which they get
dropped. They never ring when they are supposed to and they go off at inconvenient times. So I had the idea of a
competition based 夷releasing some of that tension.”
81. the 82. attracts 或将 attract 前的 championship 改为 championships 83. inventions 84. divided 85. simply
86. but 87. was 88. our 89. when 90. on
VI援 IQ Test(智力测试)(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)
91. No, because she hates capital cities.
92. 30. (Arnold had 9, Beatrice 2, Claudia 8, Did 4 and Edgar 7.)
93. Yangtze.
94. A. (Each horizontal and vertical line should contain one each of the three different symbols.)
95. 58. (Looking along rows and down columns, the third and fourth numbers are the differences between the
numbers in the previous two squares.)
VII. Writing(写作)(共 2 题;A)题满分 10 分,B)题满分 20 分,计 30 分)
A) One possible version:
Dear Principal,
I would like to recommend my English teacher Miss Jones for the Outstanding Teacher Award.
She has taught us for two and a half years. We know a lot about English and we like English so much
because of her teaching. The award should be given to her because she never gets angry or impatient with us, no
matter how many times we ask her for help. Also, she has a special way of making her lessons lively. She can
always make the complicated and boring grammar simple and interesting.
We all feel she loves us very much and we like her too. So I think we should show her how much we
reciate her by giving her this award.
Yours faithfully,
Zhu Jun
- 12 -B) One possible version:
Never judge a book by its cover
I totally agree with this saying.
There is no dou that the first impression is really important to some extent. It蒺s common sense that one
should go to great lengths to look their best when interviewed, for the sake of the first impression.
However, it蒺s universally recognized that it蒺s one蒺s inner quality that counts not only in family life but also in
one蒺s job. Those who are honest, helpful, strong-willed, tolerant, competitive, humorous ... are welcome. On the
contrary, people with an attractive earance can always he things in their four at the beginning but
gradually people tend to identify with those with outstanding abilities and improved qualities. Meanwhile, too much
emphasis on earance can waste a life, with time spent on cosmetic surgery and chasing famous brands.
In conclusion, on no account should we judge a book by its cover.
员援 本题总分为 30 分: A)10 分;B)20 分。按四个档次给分。
圆援 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本
猿援 作文词数少于或多于规定词数 20 词的,从总分中减去 2 分。
源援 如书写较差,以至影响阅卷,将分数降低一个档次。
第四档(很好):A)9—10 分;B)16—20 分
完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,
第三档(好):A)6—8 分;B)11—15 分
完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法
第二档(一般):A)3—5 分;B)6—10 分
第一档(差):A)1—2 分;B)1—5 分
园 分
- 13 -2013 年全国