

3.好心人请帮忙翻译一下啊 急

4.大学体验英语(Experiencing English)综合教程.第4册.答案


6.ICH-GCP 9.1 Research Misconduct(1)


Where an interrogation is conducted without the presence of an attorney and a statement is taken, a hey burden rests on the Government to demonstrate that the defendant knowingly and intelligently waived his right to counsel.


Where the individual answers some questions during in-custody interrogation, he has not waived his privilege, and may invoke his right to remain silent thereafter.



祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时纳,多谢!






20世纪30年代,大型公司带来的所有与经营分离(Separation of Ownership and Management)的现象引发了人们对公司治理问题的关注,时至今日,对于公司治理的探讨来自不同的需求和不同的角度,所以,我们至今也难以得出一个让多数人满意的单一表达。不过,来自不同领域的研究者都希望,面对公司所有与经营分离的态势,能够通过对公司治理下各种现象的研究,找出解决公司内部权力配置和外部竞争时遭遇的问题的方法,使得公司取得更好的绩效,在市场上更有竞争力{1}。


一是公司的内部治理架构及其代表的权力配置模式,比如,美国的单层制模式(One-tier System)德国以全能银行(Universal Bank)和雇员共同决策(Co-determination)为支柱的双层制(Two-tier system),以及对不同模式产生路径的研究和预测未来趋同趋势的论证。








二是为对美国的《萨班斯法》(Sarbanes-OxleyAct)的努力有所回应,对制度竞争有所表示,欧盟也在2002年之后不断修订和提出新的公司法指令的尝试,其中,有关审计人员及审计的提议是最重要的两大议题之一。但是,考虑到审计的特殊性和欧盟对审计的持续关注,在2003年欧洲公司法改革高层小组提交的改革建议之下,欧盟理事会的改革更提出了短、、长期的规划,即《公司法行动》(European Commission Company Law Action Plan,以下简称《行动》)所体现的内容。与此同时,欧盟也专门发布了《关于法定审计的十项行动》分头推进。

由于美国安然、世通和欧洲大陆的一些公司丑闻加深了人们对审计重要性的认识,特别是美国《萨班斯法》的出台,欧盟对属于公司治理中介环节的审计提出了新的要求{7},有关中、短期行动已经出台{6},力求亡羊补牢。而且,在具体方法上,欧盟与美国的做法也有相同之处。比如,2002年欧盟已经通过立法用国际会计标准(IAS Regulation)。到2006年修订的有关审计的公司法指令要求,每个公众公司内部应设置审计委员会,这是强制性的要 求。这和美国对上市公司的要求是一致的。

三是欧盟公司法指令,包括对于法定审计的改革措施的推出也受到各成员国的改革促动,比如,英国是欧盟各国中最早对安然给予反映的国家,英国快速提出了“后安然时代的改革激励措施”(Post-Enron Incentives){8}。虽然也有学者认为,英国的反映是个别国家的单独选择,并非是欧盟对策之必然组成部分{8},但是,成员国的快速应对必然促使欧洲委员会考虑尽快完善制度,防止严重的同类在欧盟的资本市场反复出现,损害欧洲资本市场的公信力,造成资本的浪费和投资者信心的挫伤。不仅如此,成员国的改革内容也对欧盟层面的改革提供了直接的启发,从内容上看,欧盟第8号指令的修订内容与英国公司法改革的审计内容非常一致。英国2006年公司法修订案第16章(Part16)包括详细的条款,规定了审计人员的责任。比如,有关审计人员与公司签订的责任限制协议(LLAs),明确该类协议的范围(第534条);一旦审计人员对公司行为不当,禁止他排除责任或从公司获得豁免(第532条);对于有意地(Knowingly)或卤莽地(Recklessly)将误导性的信息加入审计报告的审计人员给予刑事处罚(第507条),等等{9}。修订后的第8号公司法指令也有相似的规定。




但是,随着公司、证券乃至资本市场的立法越来越广而且速度越来越快,依靠复杂的程序不断推出新的公司法规定及指令固然必要,但是欧盟也意识到,必须出台多种形式的法律文献,以便各个成员国选择纳和快速实施。规则和指令并不是唯一的选择。在公司治理的自律性规则(Self-regulationRules/Codes)越来越在各个成员国流行之时,所谓“硬法”(Hard Laws)和“软法”(Soft Laws)的变化选择也使欧盟层面的规定有了新的考虑。勿庸置疑,硬法包括前面提及的规则、指令、决定以及国内法的改革措施,比如,关于法定审计的第8号公司法指令一直用“硬法”的形式,该种形式选择的本身也表明了欧盟对独立法定审计的重视、欧洲委员会对连续财务丑闻打击下重振市场信息的强硬手段以及各个成员国对于欧盟审计改革举措的认可;而软法则指向欧洲委员会向欧盟理事会和欧洲议会提交的通报、各个成员国公司法改革中的最佳行为守则(Codeson Best Practice)、统一的会计审查标准(Standards)等文献,其效力介于“具有法律拘束力和没有法律拘束力之间”,但是,不可否认的是,它们往往“产生实际效果”。







在安然等财务丑闻爆发之前,无论是否充分,美国和欧盟都已经在法律中规定了审计人员的独立性,并且已经认识到审计人员等专业人士的独立性对于其履行对公司及投资公众的职责是必要的。不过,审计人员因与公司有合同关系,他们和律师和投资银行家一样,是公司聘请的并由公司付钱,公司的具体指令来自管理层,为公司财务提供审计是基于合同履行义务,但是,他们为公司的投资者利益,包括公司的债权人及公众利益负责,这是一种什么性质的责任呢?在美国,理论界和立法者都将审计人员视为“看门人”:他们既是公司聘请的看门人,“看管“公司的董事和高级管理人员;也是公共“看门人”,对投资公众承担的忠诚责任。以United States v. Arthur Young & Co.465 US805()案件为例,法官认为:”在核查对公众发布的、描述公司财务状况的报告时,独立审计人员承担超越其与客户关系的公共责任。独立公共审计人员执行着最终对公司债权人、股东和投资公众效忠的特别职能。这些公共‘看门人’的职责要求审计人员对其客户保持完全的独立和对公众信任的全部忠诚{3}”。








4. 发行。雇员, 代表他自己和他的代表, 配偶, 代理, 承继人和分配, 发布和释放公司和COMPANY's 前, 现在或未来官员, 雇员, 代表, 代理, 受托人, 律师, 股东, 承保人, 前辈, 父母, 会员, 收益, 后继者, 承继人主任, 和分配从任何并且所有要求、行动的责任、起因, 损伤、损失、每种类的要求或义务和自然, 是否现在知道或未知, 怀疑或无嫌疑, 雇员曾经有, 现在有, 或此后罐头, 将或可以有为, 在或根据的原因任何行动, 交易、实践、品行、问题、任何种类起因或事任何, 与相关或根据, 从全体或部份上, 任何行动, 交易、实践或品行在日期之前于此, 包括但对事态没限制应付就业的雇员的就业或终止以公司, 或在任何情况下关系与伤害或损伤由EMPLOYEE 遭受(熟悉或不知道) 。这发行和放电包括, 但不被限制对, 没要求出现在联邦之下, 州和地方法律或普通法, 包括, 但没限制对, 招工中年龄歧视法案("ADEA"), 标题VII 的民权行动1964 年, 加利福尼亚公平的就业和安置行动、要求为非法的放电根据任一种国家政策或公司的任一项政策, 要求为受托责任突破口, 和合同法和侵权行为; 并且任何要求为律师的费。雇员从未许诺提出诉讼或协助或开始任一次行动断言所有要求、损失、责任、要求, 或义务在此之下被发布。

5. 已知的或未知数要求。党明确地了解和同意, 这个协议延伸到每自然所有要求和亲切,知道或未知, 怀疑或无嫌疑, 过去, 现在, 或未来, 出现从或可归属对公司的任一品行和它的后继者、者, 和会员, 并且所有他们的雇员, 所有者, 股东, 代理, 官员, 前辈主任, 分配, 代理、代表, 和律师, 是否由EMPLOYEE 知道或是否雇员相信他也许有所有要求, 并且任何和所有权利授予了雇员在部分1542 年之下加利福尼亚民事规章或任一近似州法或联邦法律或章程, 明确地特此被放弃, 若可能。前述部分1542 年加利福尼亚民事规章读如下:

一般发行不延伸到债权人不知道或不怀疑存在在他的厚待在执行发行之时, 如果由他知道一定物质影响了他的解决与债家的要求。

好心人请帮忙翻译一下啊 急

stare “盯着看”,指睁大眼睛盯着看,常带有好奇、吃惊、赞叹的眼神。(to look

for a long time with the eyes wide open, especially when supprised,

admired or frightened)

1)The little girl stared at the toys in the window.


2)She quickly left the lounge when she found some guys staring at her.


3)It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face.


4)During the press confrence, each boxer tried to stare the other down.


glare “怒视”、“瞪眼”,指瞪着眼睛看,常有生气、发恼的眼神。(to look

directly and continuously at someone or something in an angry way)

1)The two men stood glaring drunkenly at each other, while the crowd looked



2)The actress glared at the reporter when he asked her an awkward personal



3)Tony redmond was glaring after him, his face contorted, white with rage .


4)Nim glared at Paulsen, but contained his anger, saying nothing .


gaze “凝视”、“注视”,指若有所思地地凝视;或出于好奇、羡慕、爱恋、惊异

而长时间目不转睛地看。(to look at something or someone for a long time,

especially in surprise or admiration, or because you are thinking about

something else.)

1)She stood by the window, gazing thoughtfully into the distance.


2)A fresh-faced little girl gazes in wonder at the bright fairground lights.


3)He gazed at the picture for about two minutes and left without saying a word.

他凝视着照片大约两分钟, 一句话也没说就走了。

4)He gazed at his wife's photograph, and tears spouted from his eyes .


peer “凝视”、“端详”,指因难以看清而眯着眼睛仔细地或吃力地看。(to look

carefully or with difficulty)

1)He had to peer at his book because the room was dark.


2)She peered at it through the sheets of rain but could not identify its shape

before it diseared again .


3)He peered through the green hedge at the two dark figures under the tree .


4)Smith rubbed condensation off the inside of a porthole and peered out at the

boats bog up and down in the harbor .


peep “窥视”、“偷看”、“瞥”。指通过洞空,缝隙向里。(to

secretly look at something for a short time, usually through a hole )

1)We found someone peeping into the room outside the windows.


2)You shouldn’t be curious to peep into others’ private life.


3)I saw her peeping through the curtains into the room.


4)She was angry for her mother ' s peeping at her diary.


peek “窥视”、“偷看”,泛指各种方式的窥视、偷看。使用范围比peep 广。

(to look, especially for a short time or while trying to oid being


1)Close your eyes. Don’t peek,


2)I only peeked —I didn't see anything interesting"


3)He was caught peeking at a girl taking a bath.


4)The children peeked over the wall to see what was hening inside the yard.


leer “斜瞅”、“睨视”、“瞄”。( to look suggestively or obliquely)

1)The old lady at the desk leered at her knowingly.


2)He was always leering at female members of staff.


glance “匆匆一看”、“扫视”。指迅速地看一眼,扫一眼;或指粗略地看一下,浏

览一下。(to give a quick and brief look)

1)He walked quickly and glanced back now and then to see if he was being



2)On the subway train, I always like to glance at the headlines in the newspaper.


3)I thought I heard someone following me, and glancing round, I caught sight of

a dark figure in the shadows.


4)Could you glance through this letter and see if it's alright?


glimpse “瞥见”、“瞥见一眼”。在很短的时间里瞥见、扫见某人或某物,没有完

全看清。(to see something or someone for a very short time and do not

see very clearly or completely)

1)I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she diseared from sight.


2)We glimpsed the ruined abbey from the windows of the train.


3)I only glimpsed him in the street corner, so I cannot guess where he was going.


gape “凝视”,指目瞪口呆地注视。(to look in great surprise at someone

or something, especially with an open mouth)

1)Don` t gape: it’ s rude!


2)On my sudden earance, she gaped at me foolishly and said nothing for a long



3)He was not the type to wander round gaping at everything like a tourist.


4)Everyone gaped at the smashed cars on the freeway.


gawk “呆呆地看着” , 指呆头呆脑、别傻乎乎地盯着看 (to look at someone or

something in a stupid or rude way)

1)Don’t sit there gawking like that.Give me a hand.


2)Don't gawk at that pretty girl.


3)But when the snow stopped, residents ventured outside on foot to gawk at the

mountains of snow.


4)Participants are, of course, tethered while they walk and gawk at the city



ogle “媚眼看”, 指送秋波,施媚眼。 (to look at someone with obviously

ual interest)

1)He likes to ogle at the pretty girls.


2)I saw you just now ogling the woman in the red dress.


3)He ogled at all the attractive girls in the office.


4)Don ' t ogle at other girls in front of your girlfriend. It ' ll make her








watch 表示“观看”或“监视”的意思,一般目的物应处于运动状态.

从别的地方摘过来的~ 望笑纳~

大学体验英语(Experiencing English)综合教程.第4册.答案



另外还有三个上市手续,还要求上市的命题的65岁以上的特定化学物质科学标准及会议确定在加州劳动代码作为致癌或致畸或其他生殖伤害。这种方法被用来建立初始化学列表下面的命题选民核准65 1986年。








Unit 1 无名英雄:职业父亲意味着什么?

Passage A


EX. 4 1 media

2 images

3 abusive

4 fulfilling

5 recognition

6 status

7 stresses

8 aware

9 deserve


1. obligation

2. lauded

3. fulfilled

4. mirror 5. flexibility

6. devalue

7. striving

8. entailed

9. supposedly

10. Consequently


1. refer to as

2. at best

3. by the same token

4. at large

5. h

elp up …as


Translate the following sentences into English.

1. With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities.


He felt he did not he to make such a commitment to John any mo

3. Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading. 4. At best he’s ambitious, at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications. 5. We he striven to the full to convince him, but we he made no headway.


Ex12. DCACA Ex13. 1 redefined 2 sphere 3 accomplishment 4 opposite 5 playmates 6 emotionally 7 equality 8 initiative 9 status 10 change Ex14. 1. equality 2. sustained 3. clue 4. expansiveness 5. was sacked 6. defined 7. sphere 8. sour 9. depressing 10. division Ex15. 1. in the way 2. falling apart 3. he ruled out 4. at this rate 5. took up Passage B Ex. 17 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. The popularity of Internet provides people with quick and convenient access to information. 2. Since he doesn’t agree to this plan, there is not much point in thinking about it any more. 3. I hen't seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a very good film. 4. If you don't work hard, you'll end up nowhere. 5. It's up to the United States to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.

Ex12. DCACA Ex13. 1 redefined 2 sphere 3 accomplishment 4 opposite 5 playmates 6 emotionally 7 equality 8 initiative 9 status 10 change Ex14. 1. equality 2. sustained 3. clue 4. expansiveness 5. was sacked 6. defined 7. sphere 8. sour 9. depressing 10. division Ex15. 1. in the way 2. falling apart 3. he ruled out 4. at this rate 5. took up Passage B Ex. 17 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. The popularity of Internet provides people with quick and convenient access to information. 2. Since he doesn’t agree to this plan, there is not much point in thinking about it any more. 3. I hen't seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a very good film. 4. If you don't work hard, you'll end up nowhere. 5. It's up to the United States to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.

Unit 2 为什么数字文化对你有好处?

Ex5. 1.awaited, 2.he overtaken, 3.pose, 4.cues, 5.has undermined, 6.soptted, 7.judged, 8.distracted, 9.offend, 10.mask Ex6. 1.brought out, 2.with the exception of, 3.thanks to, 4.taken in, 5.capable of Ex8. 1. He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be. 2. As for her father, she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby. 3. Staying up late will undermine one?s health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it. 4. The ambassador personally conveyed the president?s message to the premier. 5. The girl decided to open up and tell the police what she had seen.














1.in terms of,

2.participating in,

3.get down to,


5.acts on



Excessive exercises does more harm than good to one?s health. Therefore we must control the amount of exercise we do.


He made a few attempts to join in their conversation, but he ge up out of timidness.


Trains cannot compete with planes in terms of convenience and speed.


Making a comparison between Chinese and American cultures will help you to better understand and adapt to your study

environment in the USA.


It is a traditional Chinese virtue for the young on buses to yield their seats to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

Unit 3 版权的十大神话

Key to Exercises 5. 1. violated 2. derive 3. blocked 4. default 5. rationalized 6. quoted 7. exclusive 8. contacted 9. anonymous 10. charge 6 1. is up to 2.resulted in 3.was charged with 4.was unlikely 5. handing out 8. 1. It is simply unbelievable for him to change 500 dollars for a haircut. 2. People grant you the privilege, so you should serve the people wholeheartedly. 3. The weather forecast is very important so that we can decide when to go to sea. 4. The sound of guns violated the usual calmness of Sunday morning, and people had a strong feeling that the war was coming. 5. Even though you read three pages per minute, you will by no means finish the book by the end of this weekend.


Key to Exercises 14. 1.he witnessed 2. trample 3. abusing 4.manual 5. duplicated 6. knowingly 7. tactic 8. patrolling 9. budget 10. enforce 15. 1. end up 2. give...short shrift 3. step up ...to 4. infringed on 5. doesn?t fit into 16. 1 a fine 2. rights/law 3. to violate law/rights 4. money 5.deadlines 6.a presentation 7. rehearsals 8. a copy/money 9. permission 10.an interview 17. 1. He can beat his opponent easily without giving a second thought. 2. With little or no knowledge of driving, he drove the car onto the road. 3. It is illegal to make an unauthorized change in the construction of the bridge. 4. I could accept this fact calmly because I knew if I were not able to finish the mission, chances were that the team would be defeated. 5. Children in remote mountain areas are lacking in scientific and cultural knowledge.

Unit 4 学英语既有乐趣又有回报

Key to Ex. 5. 1. sensitive 2. classification 3. sufficiently 4. steer 5. familiarity 6. consequently 7. reward 8. qualifications 9. fundamentals 10. evaluate 6. 1. As for 2. focus…on 3. benefit…from 4. failed to 5. relevant to 8. 1. My grandfather’s interests rang from playing chess to climbing mountains although he is 70 years. 2. Surprisingly, Tom’s grandmother plays with dolls at the age of 80. 3. His selflessness and talent qualify him for the job most students dream to get. 4. What interpretation would you put on his odd/strange dream? 5. The brand-new car our boss has just bought id capable of making 200 kilometers an hour.


Key to EX. 14. 1. beyond 2. champions 3. ignored 4. obliged 5. sheer 6. lagged 7. prospects 8. proficiency 9. prejudice 10. claim 15. 1. in a way 2. drawing up 3. calls for 4. signed up for 5. set…back 17. 1. He suggested at the board meeting that the easy task should be left to Mary whose health is poor. 2. Mr Brown, who is in Hong Kong now, has a lot of teaching experience and will come to teach our students in the spring. 3. This is the best hotel in our city: the food is good and the same is true of the service. 4. In order to attract more passengers, the caption assured all the passengers of the safety of treling by ship. 5. His new car, for which he had paid ¥150 000, was seriously damaged in an accident and was beyond repair.

Unit 5 道德利益 怎样在商业中遵纪守法获得成功

我现在要说道德涉及的不是一个方面。商业道德有三个清晰的侧面,每一个侧面在确保商业成功中都在起着特有的作用。 Key to Exercises 5. 1. morality 2. quest 3. downright 4. advocated 5. contemporaries 6. deceiving 7.exclusive 8. obstructing 9. captured 10. conscience 6. 1. took to 2. goes back 3. carry… out 4. pointed to 5. in opposition to 8. 1. The airplane they boarded soared out of sight right after it took off. 2. At the meeting, the two sides had a hot debate. The reformers put forward many reforming measures. 3. In the long run, we should learn more about science and technology. Besides our major subjects, knowledge of computers, English and driving is necessary for our work. 4. She does gymnastic exercises four times a week in the quest to achieve the perfect body. 5. Every morning in the park, some old people are doing physical exercises there, chatting with each other at the same time.


Key to Exercises 14. 1. compelled 2. compassion 3. disclosure 4. exploring 5. malnourished 6. plaguing 7. pledge 8. breach 9. span 10. transaction 15. 1. sitting idle 2. broke down 3. in all respects 4. ge… credit 5. by the conduct of 17. 1. Won’t it be better if we take measures to change the present situation? 2. I didn’t give him credit for such a skill. (I didn’t give credit to him for such a skill.) 3. They he been learning English up to now, though in their advanced age. 4. He has not been to school for seven days because of illness. 5. The children ran out of the classroom, jumping and singing.

Unit 6 人爱好足球有利健康吗? — 为什么球迷知道真相

Key to Exercises 5. 1. achievement 2. self-esteem 3. primitive 4. aroused 5. identified 6. confrontation 7. conflict 8. soaring 9. abandoned 10. professional 6. 1. through thick and thin 2. root for 3. backed up 4. belonged to 5. ste off 8. 1. She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery. 2. Experiments showed that nonsmokers committed fewer errors than smokers. 3. Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to a team that wins. 4. Despite the actors’ wonderful acting, the three-hour movie could not hold our attention. 5. Professor Wang is the only doctor I can rely on to se my son.


Key to Exercises 14. 1. victim 2. depress 3. devote 4. concluded 5. beneficial 6. recreational 7. propelled 8. financial 9. nothing 10 regardless 15. 1. along with 2. agree with 3. in terms of 4. go back to 5. be responsible for 17. 1. We don’t think your proposal is quite in place, so you should give it up. 2. When he arrived home, he found nothing but some broken furniture there. 3. Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts. 4. In terms of employment, the hotel industry is the second largest industry in this country. 5. Everyone in this country had the right to live where he wants to, regardless of the color of his skin.

Unit 7 面对退休的恐惧

Key to exercises 5. 1. succession 2. prevalent 3 fragile 4. generated 5. accomplish 6. graceful 7. imposed 8. insecurity 9. indispensable 10. acclaim 6. 1. at stake 2. clings to 3. hang on 4. turned…over 5. referred to…as 8. 1. Although he said he had done a lot for the case, his success was at least in part due to luck. 2. The issue to be discussed is critical, because it will determine the future of many people. 3. I?ll try my best to oid imposing my ideas on others. 4. Rarely can people face up to the defects in their own characters in such a situation. 5. College life is referred to as the most beautiful period of one?s life.

退休金 —— 婴儿潮时期出生的一代人的担心

Key to Exercises 14. 1. certify 2. consulted 3. monthly 4. maintained 5. benefits 6. survey 7. restless 8. aggressive 9. evaporated 10. maximum 15. 1. scrape together 2. sunk in 3. count on 4. account for 5. laid off 17. 1. Generally speaking he is quite learned, especially in the field of mathematics. However, when it comes to politics, he knows nothing. 2. According to the survey they made of the 1000 workers who missed out on the chance to go to university, their failure in the college entrance examinations had a profound effect on their later life. 3. Owing to cost rise, employers refuse to pay the retirement pension for their employees. On the flip side, employees are unwilling to stay in the same company for their whole lives. 4. Since you?ve told me who should take responsibility for the matter, I will not pursue it any further. 5. I will try to set aside half an hour each day to do some exercise even in the busiest season.

Unit 8 2 DDDBD ABB 4 Complete the summary of the text. 1 potential 2 created 3. distribution 4 consumers 5. overcome 6 express 7 affection 8 global 9 fashionable 10 impressive Read and complete 5 fill in the blanks with the words given 1 rescue 2 fancy 3 potential 4 dilemma 5. restricted 6 descendant 7. affections 8 samples 9. were assessed 10 version 6. Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.

1 has taken root 2 turned out 3 in person 4. ran into 5 prefer to 8. Translate the following sentences into English 1. No matter what difficulties we come across, we should try our best to overcome them. 2. Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. 3 Today, people from all walks of life are trying to acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of the times. 4 Children he a fancy for cartoons. 5 given that they are lacking in experience/ inexperienced/ green hand, they he done a good job.


ICH-GCP 9.1 Research Misconduct(1)

When I was young my father said to me:

"Knowledge is Power....Francis Bacon"

I understood it as "Knowledge is power, France is Bacon".

For more than a decade I wondered over the meaning of the second part and what was the surreal linkage between the two? If I said the quote to someone, "Knowledge is power, France is Bacon" they nodded knowingly. Or someone might say, "Knowledge is power" and I'd finish the quote "France is Bacon" and they wouldn't look at me like I'd said something very odd but thoughtfully agree. I did ask a teacher what did "Knowledge is power, France is bacon" meant and got a full 10 minute explanation of the Knowledge is power bit but nothing on "France is bacon". When I prompted further explanation by saying "France is Bacon?" in a questioning tone I just got a "yes". at 12 I didn't he the confidence to press it further. I just accepted it as something I'd never understand.

It wasn't until years later I saw it written down that the penny dropped.








Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Identifying Research Misconduct

Part 3: Investigating Allegations of Research Misconduct

Public concern about misconduct in research arose in the early 1980s after reports of serious misbehior by researchers. In one case, a researcher republished dozens of articles under his name that had previously been published by others. In other cases, researchers falsified or made up research results. Instead of looking into these problems, research institutions sometimes ignored them or covered them up.

公众对科研不端行为的关注始于20世纪80年代初,此前有研究人员严重不当行为的报道。在一个案例中,一名研究人员以他的名义重新发表了几十篇以前由他人发表的文章。在其他情况下, 研究人员伪造或编造研究结果 。研究机构有时忽视或掩盖这些问题,而不是调查这些问题。

Eventually, Congress required federal agencies and research institutions to develop policies on research misconduct. The U.S. Public Health Service created regulations for dealing with research misconduct ( 42 CFR 50 Subpart A ). These policies generally he three goals:

最终,国会要求联邦机构和研究机构制定有关研究不当行为的政策。美国公共卫生署制定了处理研究不当行为的法规(42 CFR 50子部分A)。这些政策通常有三个目标:

Ⅰ、To define research misconduct.

Ⅱ、To establish procedures for reporting and investigating research misconduct.

Ⅲ、To protect both those who report alleged research misconduct and those accused of research misconduct.

1、 界定科研不端行为 。

2、 建立报告和调查研究不当行为的程序 。

3、 保护举报涉嫌科研不端行为的人员 和 被控科研不端行为的人员 。

This module discusses how federal policy defines research misconduct and provides a brief overview of the processes established by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) for responding to allegations of misconduct in PHS-supported research.

本模块讨论了 联邦政策如何定义研究不端行为 ,并简要概述了美国公共卫生服务局(PHS)为应对公共卫生服务局支持的研究中的不端行为指控而建立的程序。

Federal regulations define research misconduct as:

"... fabrication, falsification, plagiarism , or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scientific community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research."

联邦法规将 研究不端行为 定义为:

“…… 捏造、伪造、剽窃或其他严重偏离科学界普遍接受的提议、进行或报告研究的做法 。”

Ⅰ、 Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them.

Ⅱ、 Falsification is changing research materials, equipment, or processes or altering or omitting data or results so that the research record does not accurately reflect the research findings.

Ⅲ、 Plagiarism is using another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving ropriate credit.

1、 制作 是指制作数据或结果并记录或报告。

2、 伪造 是指改变研究材料、设备或过程,或改变或省略数据或结果,使研究记录不能准确反映研究结果。

3、 剽窃 是指使用他人的想法、过程、结果或话语而没有给予适当的信任。

Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. In addition, the federal policy on research misconduct does not ly to authorship disputes unless they involve plagiarism.

研究不端行为不包括诚实的错误或意见分歧 。此外, 联邦科研不端行为政策不适用于著作权纠纷,除非涉及剽窃。

Research misconduct has a very specific meaning in federal regulations. Noncompliance with policies and procedures for the protection of human research subjects, although reportable to an Institutional Review Board (IRB), is not considered to be research misconduct under the federal definition.

研究不端行为在联邦法规中有非常具体的含义。 不遵守保护人类研究对象的政策和程序,尽管可向机构审查委员会(IRB)报告,但根据联邦定义,不被视为研究不当行为。

Federal policy on research misconduct lies to all federally funded research and all proposals submitted to federal agencies for research funding.


Many research institutions and universities ly the federal policy on research misconduct to all research, whether or not it is federally funded. In addition, many institutions he broadened the federal definition of research misconduct to include other improper practices. Researchers must be familiar with their institutional policies on research misconduct as well as with the federal policy.

许多研究机构和大学对所有研究都适用联邦关于研究不当行为的政策,无论其是否由联邦资助。此外, 许多机构扩大了联邦对研究不当行为的定义,将其他不当行为也包括在内 。研究人员必须熟悉其关于研究不当行为的机构政策以及联邦政策。

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) in the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for promoting research integrity within the U.S. Public Health Service. ORI oversees investigations of research misconduct allegations and makes final decisions on findings of research misconduct.

卫生与公共服务部的研究诚信办公室(ORI)负责促进美国公共卫生服务部门的研究诚信 。ORI监督对科研不端行为指控的调查,并对科研不端行为的调查结果做出最终决定。

Through its Rapid Response Technical Assistance Program, ORI provides technical assistance to any institution that is responding to an allegation of research misconduct. In addition, researchers may hold informal discussions with ORI about allegations of research misconduct or the handling of research misconduct cases.

ORI通过其 快速反应技术援助 ,向任何回应研究不当行为指控的机构提供 技术援助 。此外,研究人员可能与ORI就科研不端行为的指控或科研不端行为案件的处理进行 非正式讨论 。

Records maintained by ORI during the investigation of an allegation of research misconduct are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act to the extent permitted by law and regulation.

根据 《信息自由法》 ,在法律和法规允许的范围内, ORI在调查研究不当行为指控期间保存的记录可免于披露 。

Research misconduct destroys the integrity or honesty of the research record. This sets it apart from other improper activities that may occur in research settings (e.g., financial conflicts of interest, misuse of grant funds, violation of human subject protections, ual harassment, and discrimination). Although these improper activities are taken very seriously, they are not considered research misconduct because they do not alter the integrity of the research record.

研究不端行为破坏了研究记录的完整性或诚实性 。这使其与研究环境中可能发生的其他不当活动(例如,财务利益冲突、滥用拨款、违反人体保护、和歧视)区别开来。尽管这些不当行为受到了非常严肃的对待,但它们不被视为研究不当行为,因为它们不会改变研究记录的完整性。

The term fraud has often been used to describe dishonesty in research. However, this term is more aptly used to describe illegal, deceptive financial practices. Behior that destroys the integrity of the research record through fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism is most aptly termed research misconduct.

欺诈一词经常被用来描述研究中的不诚实行为。然而,这个术语更适合用来描述非法的、欺骗性的金融行为。 通过捏造、伪造或剽窃破坏研究记录完整性的行为最恰当地称为研究不端行为。

Instructions: Based on the description below, choose whether the information is True or False.

说明: 根据下面的描述,选择信息是否正确。

All three of the elements below must be present for a finding of research misconduct to be made. Under federal policy, a finding of research misconduct requires that:

Ⅰ、There be a significant departure from accepted practices of the relevant research community; and

Ⅱ、The misconduct be committed intentionally, or knowingly, or recklessly; and

Ⅲ、The allegation be proven by a preponderance of the evidence.

Feedback: Is this information True or False? All three of the elements must be present for a finding of research misconduct to be made. Therefore, the correct response is True.

必须具备以下三个要素,才能发现研究不当行为。根据联邦政策, 研究不端行为的发现要求 :

1、 与相关研究团体的公认实践存在重大偏差 ;和

2、 故意、明知或罔顾后果的不当行为 ;和

3、 该指控应以大量证据予以证明 。


Federal policy on research misconduct places the primary responsibility for reporting and investigating allegations of research misconduct with researchers and research institutions. This is consistent with the position, supported by most researchers, that research is a profession that should regulate its own conduct.

联邦关于研究不当行为的政策规定,研究人员和研究机构负有举报和调查研究不当行为指控的主要责任。这与得到大多数研究人员支持的观点是一致的,即 研究是一种应该规范自身行为的职业。

Research institutions that receive federal funding are expected to:

Ⅰ、Foster an environment that discourages all research misconduct.

Ⅱ、Use procedures for receiving and investigating reports of research misconduct.

Ⅲ、Inform scientific and administrative staff of the procedures for responding to allegations of research misconduct and of the importance of complying with these procedures.

Ⅳ、Take immediate, ropriate action when research misconduct is suspected or alleged to he occurred at the institution.

Ⅴ、Investigate and rule on suspicions or allegations of research misconduct.

Ⅵ、Report both the start of and the results of a formal investigation (not the initial inquiry) into an allegation of research misconduct to the Office of Office of Research Integrity.

Ⅶ、File an Annual Report on Possible Research Misconduct with the designated federal agency.


1、培养一个不鼓励所有研究不端行为的 环境 。

2、使用 接收和调查研究不端行为报告的程序 。

3、 告知 科学和行政人员应对研究不当行为指控的 程序 以及 遵守这些程序的重要性 。

4、 当怀疑或指称研究机构发生不当行为时 , 立即取适当行动 。

5、对科研不端行为的怀疑或指控进行 调查和裁决 。

6、向研究诚信办公室报告对研究不端行为指控的 正式调查 (而非初步调查) 的开始和结果 。

7、向指定的联邦机构提交关于可能的研究不当行为的 年度报告 。

Federal policy on research misconduct assumes that research is a self-regulating profession. To be successful, professional self-regulation relies on conscientious participation by all members of the profession. Individual researchers are expected to:

关于研究不当行为的联邦政策定研究是一种自我调节的职 业。要取得成功,专业自律有赖于所有专业人员的认真参与。个人研究人员应:

Ⅰ、Maintain a high standard of integrity at all times in all of their research activities.

Ⅱ、Assume responsibility for their actions.

Ⅲ、Take misconduct or alleged misconduct seriously.

Ⅳ、Report arent misconduct by other researchers.

Ⅴ、Keep confidential at all times information that is relevant to an investigation of alleged misconduct.

1、在所有研究活动中始终保持高标准的 诚信 。

2、 对自己的行为负责 。

3、 认真对待不当行为或被指控的不当行 为。

4、 报告其他研究人员的明显不当行为 。

5、始终对与涉嫌不当行为调查有关的 信息保密 。